Page 102 of Downpour

“Yeah,” Cass said. “How’d you turn Ray from the beast in the castle to a normal person who voluntarily socializes?”

While I went out to lunch with Becks and Cassandra, Ray was spending his Saturday with CJ and Nate, overseeing a delivery of horses for the equine program that was coming to the ranch.

I had heard bits and pieces about it from CJ and Ray, and it sounded amazing. They would be hosting kids camps, running therapy programs, training, and boarding.

The ranch was a paradise. I loved being secluded from the world—blissfully unaware of the chaos and hustle and bustle. But I also loved watching the ranch grow and come to life with each new project development.

“I dunno,” I said as I grabbed a chip and dipped it into the salsa. “We get along, I guess.”

Cassandra’s hand floated up and down in my direction. “I mean, you’re hot. So you’ve got that going for you.”

I choked again. “Um. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know how much I’m supposed to say. You know … client confidentiality and all that.”

Becks snickered. “Trust us. We know how to keep our mouths shut.”

They exchanged a look that said as much.

Becks turned back to me. “Besides. I have a feeling you’ll be sticking around. Us ranch ladies have to stick together, otherwise the testosterone will run rampant. How are things going with him?”

“Good,” I evaded.

“You two went away for the weekend,” Cassandra said.

“We did…” I looked around. “Am I in trouble? I’ve never been interrogated with margaritas before.”

Becks snickered. “We’re just trying to get to know you, that’s all. I know I’m not around much these days since I’m traveling a lot. But it’s obvious that everyone loves you. Momma Griff hasn’t stopped talking about you.”

Cassandra snorted, and Becks elbowed her.

“She’s just jealous because everyone loves you,” Becks said.

I smiled nervously at Cassandra. She was the woman around the ranch the most, so it just made sense to try and get on her good side. “Ray speaks highly of you. He told me you were the one who got him into that clinical trial.”

Her eyes softened just a tad. “I know people. Sometimes it’s nice to remind my contacts that I’m still waiting in the shadows and will use them when it suits me. Especially since I’m dealing with fucking horse auctions these days. I miss Manhattan.”

Becks laughed.

I handed Charlie a chip and watched her munch on it with her brand new teeth. “I can’t wait to see the new horses. I love going on rides with Indy and Anny.”

Cassandra laughed. “You mean CJ’s horse lets you get near her? That thing tried to bite me. I stay at least ten feet away from her at all times.”

Becks grimaced. “Yeah. Anny hates me too.”

“Really? She’s a sweetie. You just have to get to know her,” I said as I relaxed a little.

Cassandra snorted. “See? She’s an animal-whispering fairy tale princess.”

The waiter returned with our food and filled the table with plates. Charlie scurried back to her mom’s lap and munched on an avocado wedge.

“And that’s what happened with Ray, too?” Becks asked. “You just got to know him as well?”

I started feeling the subtle buzz of the margarita. “We have an agreement. I don’t get fired, and I only help him when he asks for it. And I’m supposed to ignore him. But that didn’t last long. I also kind of got lost on a walk, and CJ had to come find me, and Ray went ballistic.”

Cassandra smirked. “Yeah, I heard about that. CJ told Christian. I stopped him from going to Ray’s house to check on you.” She pointed her fork at me. “I figured I’d let Ray have you all to himself. You’re welcome.”

My cheeks flushed at the memory of him telling me to take my shirt off so he could apply salve to my back and shoulders.

“Look,” Becks said with a mouthful of food. “No judgment. Especially not from us. Nate and I had a fling when I was assigned to his unit in Afghanistan. Literally hooked up in his bunk. Sand everywhere.”