I thrashed, fighting against the ropes as he pushed himself deep inside me.
Ray nipped at my ear. “Doesn’t that feel good, baby?” He moved the vibrator back to my clit. “You are so beautiful. I want to spend every last breath making you feel your highest, your most powerful. You’re everything.Everything. Now come for me.”
The orgasm hit me out of nowhere. My pussy squeezed and clenched around his cock. My body seized, but he held me close.
Ray slid the vibrator down and teased his balls until he jerked and came inside me. “Breathe. I’m gonna lay you on your side to untie you.”
I nodded, gasping for air. The calm came as quickly as the rush did.
Our mingled release slid down my thigh as Ray laid behind me and began to undo the knots.
He rubbed my hands and wrists, checking them over until he was sure I was okay. I hissed when he opened the clamps and pulled them off my nipples.
“Bring your knee to your chest,” he soothed as he tugged on the plug. “Did you like using this?” he asked as he slowly slid it from my body and set it on the nightstand.
Heat and embarrassment flooded my cheeks. “I liked it... a lot.” I whimpered when his arm brushed against my swollen nipples.
Ray eased me onto my side, facing him. He lavished my breasts with sloppy kisses. His touch soothed the lingering aches until I felt warm and at ease. Ray covered me in fervent kisses, making it clear that I was positively, wholly, and incandescentlyhis.
“Everyone’s gonna have to squeeze in tonight,” Momma said as she opened the door for Brooke and me. “We’ve got some extra folks joining us.”
She gave Brooke a tight hug. “Hey, sweetie. How was work?”
Brooke was still wearing her official Griffith Brothers Ranch polo shirt, having managed the first field trip full of excited school kids who wanted to learn all about horses.
I had watched from a distance as she guided them through the barns and delivered the speech she had rehearsed a thousand times in our bedroom.
Brooke beamed from ear to ear. “It was great. I think the kids had a really good time.”
Momma squeezed her hands. “Cassandra told me you did a great job.”
Brooke gasped. “Really?”
“Well, she said it went smoothly. That’s basically the same thing to her.”
Brooke laughed. “I’ll take it.”
“And how was your day?” Mom asked as she leaned down and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“I see how it is. I bring a pretty girl around and suddenly I’m an afterthought,” I said, teasing her simply because I could.
Mom scoffed. “Well, I talked to Brooke first because I know I’ll get more words out of her. But if you want to have a chat, then I’ll ask how you are first next time.”
I chuckled. “My day was fine. I was on a video call with Marty for most of it, dealing with contract negotiations.”
Mom pressed her palm to my cheek like I was still the six-year-old boy who ran amok all over the ranch. “I’m glad you’re getting back at it. I know it’s not the same.”
It wasn’t. The rodeo was my first love, butshewas my forever.
I would have been perfectly content following Brooke around like a lost puppy for the rest of my life, but I was fairly certain she would get tired of that. I needed to find a new dream, whatever that was.
I didn’t think appearing in ad campaigns was my life’s calling but, for now, it was a start.
“We’ll see if they’re willing to shell out what Marty’s asking. He drives a hard bargain.”