Page 88 of Dust Storm

As much as I wanted to see them fight it out to the death, I dragged Cassandra out and caught Bree as she was leaving the office.

“I’m sorry, daddy,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me, clutching her hall pass.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I said as I let go of Cassandra’s hand and held her tight. “That was hard, and I’m proud of you for sitting through it.”

She sniffed. “Thanks for coming.” Before I could say another word, she leaped to Cassandra and hugged her. “Thank you.”

Cassandra hugged her back, then cupped her cheeks, wiping away Bree’s tears. “Head up high. People will whisper. Those people might be teachers. That doesn’t give you a right to talk back. They can only get you in trouble if you break the rules. Don’t give them that opportunity.”

Bree nodded and touched the necklace Cassandra had given her this morning.

“We’ll debrief when you get home,” Cassandra said.

“I love you,” I said as I kissed Bree’s head.

She seemed a little brighter as she said, “Love you too, daddy.” She gave Cassandra a little wave. “Thanks for coming, Miss Cass.”


We walked out to the truck in silence. Neither of us said a peep as I headed back to the ranch. The truck bumped and bobbed as the pavement turned to gravel, then to dirt.

I had a lot of shit to do, but my head wasn’t in it. Not when I was stuck on the woman in the passenger’s seat.

“If you’re expecting me to apologize, don’t hold your breath,” Cassandra said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

I slammed my door with a little more force than necessary. I had been replaying the showdown at the school in my head on the drive back.

To my surprise, Cassandra waited for me to open her door. I curled my fingers around the metal edge to keep from reaching for her as she slid down and adjusted the hem of her dress.

I wanted it off.

“From the looks of it, no one has ever put that bitch in her place. It was overdue. I was performing a public service.” Her shoes clicked as she scaled each step. The swing of her ass was hypnotizing.

The front door to my house was unlocked—because it always was—and Cassandra strolled inside like she owned the damn place.

“I swear, if Bree tells me that one fucking comment was made about her after today, I’ll burn the place down.”

And then my self-control snapped.



“Take your dress off.”

I froze in place. My spine stiffened at the growl echoing from the door frame, but I didn’t turn around. “Excuse me?”

His wide hands spanned my waist, sliding up and down before he found the zipper tucked away on the side. “Do you still want this?”

“What?” I played dumb to force his hand.

Fingers threaded up my neck, tangling in the back of my hair. They curled against my scalp, tugging firmly. The bite of pain was delicious.

“I don’t do mind games, Princess.” His beard scratched my ear as he whispered against my skin. “If you want me to finish what you started the other day, then take off your dress.”

“And if I don’t?”

My eyes fluttered closed as he pulled my hips backward until my ass nestled against the front of his jeans.