“I don’t know if you’ve noticed this about me,” Cassandra said as she inspected her nails. “But I’m not a kid person.”
“You’re not much of an adult person either,” I added. “Or an animal person.”
“I’m not big into being needed. I like my space.”
“That’s funny coming from someone whose whole career is based on being needed.”
“There’s a difference between wanting to be needed and needing to be in control. I like being in control.”
I bet Cassandra thought she liked control, until she finally let someone else take it.
I pulled into the small downtown district and parked along the sidewalk. “I’ll be a few hours. I’m meeting a grain supplier, then I gotta run some errands and pick up supplies from the hardware store.”
She eyed the line of quaint storefronts. “A few hours alone of shopping and—” she spotted the coffee shop with a blinking WiFi sign “—high speedinternet.” Cassandra lunged for the door. “Sweet, sweet civilization. I missed you.”
I managed to make it out and around to her door before she jumped out, but just barely. I grabbed the door handle and blocked her in.
“Please,” she begged.
Huh. I liked that.
“What’s the rule, Cass?”
She rolled her eyes.
I pressed in, wedging my knee between hers as she pivoted in the seat to climb down.
God, that perfume was so fucking pretty…
“Please,” she groused.
“I open the doors.”
“Let me out,” she pleaded in a whisper. “I need society. I need to walk into a store. I need to see asphalt and cars. I need coffee that’s made in an espresso machine.”
She huffed and rolled her eyes, but turned and sat back in her seat.
I closed the door. With a dramatic flourish, I re-opened it and offered my hand to help her down.
Her palm was soft as it slid into mine. Delicate fingers draped over my skin.
She stepped down and stopped when we were hip to hip. “Dramatic much?”
“Was it so hard to let me do that for you?”
Thick lashes lifted and her stormy eyes met mine. “Yes.”
I smirked. “Deal with it, Princess.”
Cassandra didn’t move. Her tongue peeked out and wet her lip. I was captivated by the way her throat constricted as she swallowed.
The sparks were back, dancing off of us in sprays.
My hand brushed hers; fingers almost twining. The sharp edge of her ring caught me by surprise.
I moved back and took a breath, letting her step up onto the sidewalk.