Page 39 of Dust Storm

“You ready?” he asked as the fibers of his beard tickled my neck.

I looked over my shoulder. “Do I have a choice?”


“I suppose if I get thrown off this beast, I’ll get a nice nap in a vegetative state. Let’s go.”

Christian let out a loud laugh, startling Libby and me. “Take the reins.”

Apparently, I did it wrong because he delicately changed the way I gripped the leather.

“Squeeze her with your legs,” he said as he let go of my hands and sat back.

I pinched my lips between my teeth as I tried to hide my terror.

Apparently, I didn’t do a good job of hiding it because Christian put his hands back on my hips and offered a reassuring, “I’ve got you,” as Libby slowly took off into the grass.

And I believed him.

“Keep your back straight.

“It is straight,” I argued.

Christian snickered. “You’re hunched over so far that Libby’s head is higher than yours.” Strong hands pressed against my stomach. “Posture like a princess, hips like a whore.”

“Excuse me?”

“Keep your back nice and straight. Sit tall in the saddle, but keep your hips loose so you can move. Kinda like riding a motorcycle.”

“Do I strike you as a woman who rides a motorcycle?”

“You strike me as the kind of woman who is full of surprises.”

A caustic laugh slipped out of my mouth. “I’m not. What you see is what you get.”

“Ahhh—I don’t know about that.” He paused to correct my grip on the reins. “No one’s that simple.”

“Are you really supposed to be dissecting someone while you have them hostage on top of a horse?”

“You uncomfortable, Princess?”

“With the horse, yes. With the inquisition, also yes.”

But with him? I wasn’t uncomfortable. It was the most at peace I had felt in a long time.

His breath was warm against my temple as he said, “Gently pull the rein on the left side so she’ll make the turn onto the trail up here.”

I pulled back until there was tension on the leather strap. Libby dipped her head and—to my surprise—headed to the dirt trail that split to the left.

“Let up when she does what you want and give her a rub.”

With a little more confidence, I leaned forward and smoothed my hand down her mane.

Libby, pleased with the attention, picked up her pace, jolting me in the saddle.


“You’re alright,” he said as he settled his hands back on my hips. “I’m not gonna let you fall.”