Conversations surrounding step-down care and moving him home circulated throughout his room for hours.
Ray’s throat was hoarse from the tube. He would break out into coughing fits that he couldn’t control. The nurses did their best to keep him comfortable, but the road to recovery—whatever that looked like—would be far from it.
The lights were on downstairs, but I stayed quiet as I crept into the house. The kitchen table was littered with paperwork and, on top of it, was Cassandra.
Her blonde hair was sprayed across the files as she snored softly, resting her head on her folded arms.
Instead of waking her, I started shuffling the papers into neat piles to make it easier to go through them in the morning.
It was just after nine and the girls were probably asleep.
Cassandra stirred as I slid a budget sheet out from under her cheek. “Hmm—” she blinked “—Christian?”
“Hey beautiful,” I said softly as I knelt beside her chair and smoothed her hair away from her face. “Wanna go to bed?”
Cassandra sat up and pressed her fingers to her eyes. “What time is it?”
She blinked. “I swear I just closed my eyes for a second. I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“Hey.” I cupped her cheeks. “Don’t apologize. You’ve…” I let out a sharp breath. “You’ve done more than I could have ever asked. More than I can ever repay you for.”
“How’s Ray?” she asked immediately, and I fell just a little more in love with her because of it. “I haven’t said anything to the girls. I figured that was a conversation you should have with them.”
“Angry,” I admitted as I let my hair down and released the tension on my scalp. I sighed. “I’ve never seen him like that. He… he had this look in his eyes when the doctors were talking to him and explaining the prognosis.”
“I can’t imagine waking up and realizing that your life as you knew it is over.” She cupped my cheek, stroking my beard with her thumb. “When will he get to come home?”
“Probably a week or so. He’s gonna move back into my parents’ house because he’ll have to have round-the-clock care. Marty’s gonna pack up his place in Colorado and ship his stuff down. It’s… gonna be an adjustment for all of us.”
Her eyes were tired, but stalwart. “I’m here for all of it. Whatever you need.”
“Right now I need you in bed.”
She pecked my lips. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
I dropped my hat and wallet on the nightstand so I could find them in the morning, then joined her in the bathroom. We stood side by side at the sink, brushing our teeth and wiping off the day, before climbing into bed.
“Come here,” I growled lowly as I pulled her into my arms. “I’ve missed this.”
Cassandra let out a heavy breath as she snuggled into my side. Her elegant fingers traced shapes on my chest. “I need to make a request.”
“Anything.” I cradled her head against my chest, keeping her close.
After the day I’d had, I wanted to run upstairs and hold Bree and Gracie and revel in the realization that my beautiful daughters were loved, safe, and cared for, thanks to the woman in my arms. But I also didn’t want to scare them.
“I need time off to go back to New York,” she said.
I laced our hands together and brought her knuckles to my lips. “Promise me you’ll come back.”
“Promise me you’ll have room for my shoes when I bring them all,” she said with a sly smile.
“Promise me something else, Princess,” I said as I rolled on top of her, straddling her hips. My stomach hung, pressing against her skin as I kissed across her collarbone.
“What’s that?”
“Promise me that you’re staying for good.” I pushed her loose tank top over her bare breasts. “Please stay.” I kissed her sternum, breathing in the warm, woodsy fragrance of her perfume. “I thought I could handle it all, but you made me realize that I don’t have to.” I brushed my lips across hers. “And that I don’t want to. I want it to be you.”