Page 136 of Dust Storm

Using her newfound friendship with CJ, Cassandra managed to get the ranch hands to work a little overtime and get the barns looking nearly new. Fresh landscaping had been put down and the siding had been power washed and painted.

Even the mayor was here.

That was a surprise. I thought Cassandra hated him.

Which begged the question, where was the woman of the hour?

Spenser Crenshaw, a representative from Lawson International, was poking around outside the tent. He looked harmless enough, but I was certain Cassandra wanted him to stay within the parameters she set for the party.

Giant blueprints and architectural renderings had been printed and displayed, showing off what was to come over the next—well— the next decade.

It would be a long project. That was for damn sure.

But little by little, we were solidifying the future of the Griffith Brothers Ranch.

She did that.

So where was she?

“Mr. Griffith,” a feminine voice said from behind me as I walked away from the tent.

I turned to find a blonde, but it wasn’tmyblonde. “Yes, ma’am. Can I help you?”

She smiled from ear to ear as she extended her hand. A massive engagement ring that should have required a forklift glinted on her finger. “Elena Callaway. Allegiant Holding Group. Pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise, ma’am.”

“We partnered with Lawson International at the last minute to invest in the hotel. We’re excited about the venture.”

“As are we.” I looked around, searching for Cassandra.

“I was hoping to speak with Ms. Parker.” She smiled warmly. “It’s always good to put a face to a name, especially now that I hear she will continue to be the project liaison.”

I nodded. “Yes ma’am. We’re incredibly lucky to have her leading the ranch revitalization projects. She’s irreplaceable.”

Elena smiled knowingly. “Better hold on to her. If she’s everything I’ve seen through long-distance communication, someone might come along and poach her.”

Didn’t I know it.

The band beneath the tent transitioned into an old country tune, and partygoers filled the dance floor.

“Great party, Griffith,” Mayor Getty said as he came up and shook my hand.

Elena excused herself and disappeared into the crowd.

“Thank you, Mr. Mayor. We appreciate you coming out here. Did you have a chance to get a drink and take a look around?”

He stammered. “Just one drink for me. Time to call it a night.” He patted me on the back. “Very good. Gonna be great for the community.”

I watched as he hurried away like someone power walking through a haunted house. It was like he was trying to not seem scared, but inside he was terrified.

I’d have to ask Cass about that.

Speaking of. I needed to find her.

Partitions disguised as a photo backdrop shrouded the office from public view, but I saw a faint light glowing between the panels.

“Pretty sure the guest of honor isn’t supposed to be hiding in the office, answering emails,” I said as I slipped inside and shut the door behind me.