Page 133 of Dust Storm

“No, you’re a workhorse. You’re incredibly resourceful. You adapt to whatever is asked of you. Your skill set should be used for more than being some celebrity’s filter.”

“Like what.”

“Like being the property manager.”

I froze. “What?”

He shrugged. “Someone has to do it. It’s not going to be me. I’ll never sleep again. Nate and Becks could help sometimes, but they’ve got their hands full and she’ll be going back to work when her leave is over. Someone needs to be the liaison between the ranching operation and the development projects while they’re being built. Someone is going to have to connect and manage all the people running the restaurant and the programs and lodging—all that shit. Did you really think you could just leave?”

“You should hire someone with management or hospitality experience. I can compile a shortlist of candidates who?—”

“You’re it.”

“Christian, stop. I can’t?—”

“What do you expect of yourself, Cass? Because I expect you to try, and you expect excellence. Where’s the hang-up?”

“You. I can’t work for you.”

“I’ll have you report to my momma. She keeps the books, it’ll be fine.”


“Tell me where the problem is. You don’t want me? I will deal with it. But I want you to stay, regardless. You want your own space?” He motioned around. “The cabin’s done. We’ll go back to the way things were supposed to be.”

“What if I disappoint myself?” I whispered.

The lines wrinkling his forehead softened as tears welled up in my eyes.

“What if I disappoint you? What if I disappoint the girls? I don’t want to hurt them. I told you—I’m not warm and fuzzy.”

Christian eased out of his seat and rounded the table until he was cupping my cheeks. “You know what we do when there’s a dust storm?” His lips were soft as he pressed them to my forehead. “We stand at the windows and watch, because being near something that powerful and uncontainable is worth the risk.”

“Morning, beautiful.”Christian’s beard tickled my neck as he kissed his way down my throat and across my shoulder.

I shivered as goosebumps skittered across my skin. Groaning, I rolled into him and nuzzled into his chest. “Too early.”

“I’m sorry I kept you up late,” he mumbled unapologetically as he slid his hand up and down my waist.

It was still dark outside, though the light behind the windows was turning from black to royal blue as it crept closer and closer to dawn.

I smirked and stretched my legs, curling my toes like a cat. I could still feel the ache from being absolutely railed last night. “I wanna go back to sleep.”

His chuckle was soft and deep as he pulled me closer. “Fine by me.”

“But I should go,” I yawned.

“Stay a few more minutes,” he asked quietly, rolling onto his back and pulling me on top of him. “Just a little longer.”

I settled into the soft bulk of his chest and stomach and felt my heart rate slow.

Christian smiled as he lifted an arm and pushed his hair out of his face. “I used to have abs,” he said sheepishly. “It’s been a long ten years. Sorry you missed ’em.”

“I’m not sorry at all,” I said with a happy sigh against his chest as I smoothed my hand up and down the gentle mountains and valleys of his torso. “If I didn’t make it clear before, I’m quite attracted to you.”

His beard twitched. “Yeah?”

“Mhmm.” I closed my eyes and decided a few more minutes in his bed wouldn’t hurt. “You make me feel safe. I love when you hug me because it feels like nothing in the world can touch me. You’re like a cave where I can hide when I’ve had a bad day and I know nothing can hurt me. And if memory serves, this body—” I tapped his sternum “—made me come three times last night.”