Cassandra came into view through the wood crevice. Blue jeans molded around her ass and thighs like a goddamn painting. She eased up on her toes and boots peeked out.
The pair I had gotten her.
She was wearing one of the heavy jackets I kept in the office. It was speckled with dried grass and hay from when I’d worn it this morning to do chores.
CJ supervised Cassandra while she took off the saddle and bridle. Without a word, she picked up the brush and started working Dottie over, cleaning her up and making sure she wasn’t injured or uncomfortable.
When she was done, CJ stood beside her and talked her through safely checking Dottie’s hooves and helped her give them a quick clean.
Cassandra seemed more confident with Dottie. She didn’t shy away from grooming her or rubbing her down.
Their rapport was odd. It was … familiar. Like this wasn’t the first time they had gone riding.
My throat burned and I gritted my teeth as possibilities raced through my head.
“That’s enough,” CJ said. “Go on and turn her out.”
There was some shuffling, and Cassandra disappeared out of view.
“You gonna shower at the bunkhouse again?” he called after her.
“Do you mind?” she asked.
The fuck?
“Nah, just don’t use all the hot water or you’ll cause a riot.”
Cassandra laughed as she disappeared from the barn.
CJ was right behind her, leading Anny out to the fenced paddock for a little free-roaming.
What the ever-loving fuck was going on?
I stewed as I plodded around, doing a whole lot of nothing while looking busy. I couldn’t focus on jack shit.
So, that’s where she disappeared to every day. Riding with my brother, showering off in the bunkhouse, and then waiting for the right moment to slip in my front door and go to her room. I bet she fucking ate over there too.
CJ’s guys were decent, but she was a pretty thing and they lacked general manners, civility, and hygiene.
It wasn’t a fox in a hen house. It was a hen walking into the fox den.
Well… Maybe not so much.
Cassandra could hold her own.
Maybe that’s why I hated it. She didn’t need me.
The house was empty when I went back. I was just going to heat up leftovers for dinner, so there was no prep that needed to happen.
I paced the kitchen long enough to know that if I didn’t do something, I’d start climbing the walls.
So fucking quiet.
Surely someone needed something.
But no one was around.
I hopped in the shower and took my time scrubbing the day away. Thoughts of her filled my mind as I shampooed my hair. I couldn’t help myself. While the conditioner sat in my hair, I fisted my dick and rubbed one out to the thought of Cassandra touching herself on her bed.