Page 79 of Dust Storm

Cassandra’s opinion was that everyone sucked and it wouldn’t get better even when she got out of school, so she should just stop worrying about what other people are doing.

The jabbering didn’t stop until the girls were brushing their teeth.

When I came back down the stairs after kissing the girls goodnight, I found Cassandra at the sink, drying dishes. I was surprised to say the least.

Her ass swayed with each swipe of the dish towel.

“I know you’re watching me,” she said without taking her eyes off the plate in her hand.

“What gave me away?”

She laughed softly. “You smell like the outdoors. A little bit like gasoline and exhaust.”

“I was working on one of the tractors before I called it a day.”

Cassandra turned, resting her ass on the edge of the counter as she dried her hands. She had put her high heels back on, even though she had been working from the living room after our … run-in.

“What?” she said as she tossed the towel onto the countertop.

I just shook my head. “Don’t know how you walk around in those things all day. Can’t be comfortable.”

She looked down at the stilettos. “They’re more comfortable than the boots you gave me.”

“Boots have to be broken in. Just takes time.”

She wiggled a pointed toe at me. “These are already broken in.”

The silence between us was heavy. I braced my hands on the back of a chair and she kept to her spot by the sink.

I really didn’t want to have this conversation.

I shouldn’t be having this conversation.

I should have shut the fucking door this afternoon and walked away.

But I didn’t.

I stood there, staring at her, like I had found the Holy Grail.

Maybe I had. But I wasn’t worthy enough to touch it.

“Look, Cass… About earlier…” I glanced up, hoping to find her looking as uncomfortable as I felt.

But the devil was smirking.

“Yeah…” Her eyes trailed south. “I hope you found some time to take care of that boner.” She pushed off the counter and walked to me, pausing when we were shoulder to shoulder. “Pretty sure if it lasts for more than four hours you’re supposed to seek medical attention.”

I caught her wrist as she reached to give me a placating pat on my arm. “I wasn’t rejecting you. Just to be clear.”

“Hmm. You have a funny way of showing it, Griffith.”

“It won’t happen again, is what I’m trying to say.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “Why not?” She let out a lighthearted laugh. “Because if it’s the whole workplace romance thing, I can assure you that I have no intentions of doing that again. Sex and romance are two different things.”

My grip softened around her wrist.

Cassandra’s eyes flicked down to where our skin met.