Page 22 of Dust Storm

I was starting to think that unimpressed face of hers was really a cool façade. I saw the wheels turning in her head.

She was sharp and assessing, taking a wait-and-see approach as she studied the family dynamics.

“Do you know any celebrities?” Bree asked through a mouthful of potatoes and carrots.

“Table manners. You’re not a wild animal,” I reminded her.

Bree swallowed her bite. “Do you know any celebrities?”

Cassandra dabbed her lips, leaving a crimson print on the napkin.

Shit.I discreetly adjusted my dick under the table.

“Yes,” she said.

Bree’s jaw hit the table. “Who?” she whispered reverently.

Cassandra didn’t flinch. “I sign strict non-disclosure agreements with all my clients.”

“What does that mean?” Gracie asked.

“It means they could kill someone and I wouldn’t say a peep. So, no, I don’t name-drop.”

Gracie’s eyes turn to saucers. “Did someone here kill someone? Is that why you’re here?”

Becks laughed. Nate chuckled. CJ spat his tea out. I dropped my head into my hands. “No one killed anybody, Grace.”

“Then I don’t get it. What’s Miss Cass gonna do on the ranch? I don’t think you can herd cattle in heels.”

“My name is Cassandra.”

My hackles raised at the tone she took with my girl. She could talk to me that way, but not my daughters.

Gracie was seemingly unbothered by it, though. “But what does a publicist do?”

“I’m a publicist for people,” Cassandra said as she gingerly pushed her plate away. “I control their image, branding, and message so their public-facing persona is consumed by the masses in the right fashion. For businesses it’s similar. I act as a consultant, creating and implementing new strategies to open up additional revenue streams and widen their reach beyond their original concept, ingratiating the company to their local market. I control their branding, message, and narrative throughout the changes to maximize the efficacy of the projects and return on investment.”

The corporate fruit salad she spoke fluently was going to give me a migraine.

Bree blinked at Cassandra like she was staring at an angel and couldn’t believe her eyes.

Gracie reached for another dinner roll. “That’s cool. I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up.”

Nate frowned. “What new income streams are we talking about?”

Nathan didn’t work for the ranch, but he and Becks had a house on the property like the rest of us, which meant he had the same vested interest.

Cassandra folded her hands neatly. “I have a few thoughts, but I’ll be able to present my findings and recommendations for what’s possible after a full assessment of the property, finances, and the surrounding area.”

CJ grunted in displeasure.

I didn’t blame him.

There were few things I hated more than outsiders sticking their noses in our business.


“How long do you think you’ll be with us?” Mom asked.