Cassandra didn’t bother arguing. She knew I’d call bullshit.
“You’re going to walk inside with me,” I whispered.
“No, I’m not.”
“Then I’ll carry you inside over my shoulder. Your choice.”
I was testing her and she knew it. I wanted her to acknowledge that she felt something between us.
We had been playing for fun, but I wanted to play for money. We were in a game of chicken, but she wasn’t flinching.
I crooked a finger beneath her chin and tipped it up. “Don’t stand outside pressing your ear to the door when there’s a seat for you at the table.”
“I told you to stop speaking like a cowboy fortune cookie,” she said softly.
I kissed her again. “And I told you there was room.”
“Christian, we shouldn’t?—”
The door handle clicked as I pushed it open.
“Daddy!” Gracie shrieked from inside the house.
Cassandra broke away and I let her, but I kept her hand in mine.
“What are you doing?” she spat.
“I’m telling you it’s okay to care,” I snapped as I whipped around. “Alright? It doesn’t make you weak or less in control.”
Her eyes widened as a small body careened into my hip.
“Hey, baby girl.” I refused to let Cassandra’s hand go as I hugged Gracie. “How was school?”
Cassandra dug her nails into my palm. I squeezed harder.
“It was great! Uncle Ray surprised us. He picked us up and took us out to lunch and brought us back and now we’re coloring and watching a movie!”
“Kidnapper,” Cassandra sang under her breath.
Gracie’s smile grew when she peeked around me and saw that Cassandra was still here. She gasped. “You didn’t leave!”
Knife, meet heart.
“Can you be done working today?” she begged.
I flicked my wrist and looked at the time. Usually, I had a strict policy against cutting out of work early. And, in all honesty, I had just come back to the house to tell Cassandra that Ray was here. I had more things I needed to do today.
But damn that look.
“Yeah, baby. I’m done for today. Let me get my shoes off and I’ll come in.”
“Yay!” she squealed, jumping up and down. “Miss Cass, are you done working too?”
“I’m not finish?—”
“She’s done,” I said. “Pretty sure Uncle CJ will be up here in a minute. Do you have homework?”
Gracie shook her head.