“Can I have your word that you will take this seriously, or should I leave and wait for the King next month?” she asked abruptly. Although no one moved in the room, I could sense the uncomfortable stature of everyone. They were considering how I might react. No human ever had the audacity to speak to me in such a fine goading way. I let out a monstrous laugh. Oh, she would be fun.
“You do not speak to the Prince that way,” Galador reprimanded, obviously irritated that I hadn’t already done so myself. “Introduce yourself formally. Don’t offend the throne any further.”
I propped my elbow up and rested my face in the palm of my hand. I couldn’t help but sweep my gaze up her legs. I had no doubt that her hidden legs were as muscular as the rest of fighting fit body. Her face though–her face was what drew me in so forcefully. She held such a stern expression that probably hadn’t seen laughter for years. It was beautiful. Ruthless, calculated, and unforgiving. A large jagged scar ran down the right side of her neck. Either a vampire had tried to take her life most savagely or someone had cut her deep in a fight. I grasped hard on the armchair. Surprising even myself by how much that disturbed me. What an interesting pull to have towards such a woman, a human of all things. I was aroused by my sudden interest in such a tiny mouse.
Without apology, she introduced herself. “My name is Sasha Pierce. I’m here in my father’s stead today, Captain Mile Pierce. We stand guard over your walls.” I knew that the last added part was because she assumed, I had no idea who either of them were. It might’ve been close to the truth. Humans guarded our walls so we would never be exposed to the risk of real sunlight. They were the hounds at our doors. They were elite fighters who despite the difference in speed and strength, could hold their own in a fight with the weapons they crafted. They were lovely little guard dogs.
“And what does this little wall sitter want from me?” I patronized.
“I want nothing from you,” she said bashfully. I couldn’t contain my smile yet again, which did nothing to unsettle her. “I’ve come to ask the King, if he would allow us to start exhibitions outside of the wall.”
“That’s preposterous, we already have an elite team for that,” Galador interrupted. I rose my finger to him and he immediately silenced. He was taken aback but didn’t speak another word.
“Didn’t you say that I was making the decisions today,” I reprimanded him with a cocky grin. I turned to Sasha with a predatory gaze. I had a reputation befitting of me amongst the many Kingdoms of our land. Most either feared me or crazily obsessed over me. But this one was different, no signs of either. I jumped off my seat and with lightning speed, came to a halt to stand in front of her. A breeze swept past her from my speed, but no clothing or hair moved. It was all so tightly pinned back just like this woman. I circled her, assessing her more seriously at a closer advantage.
Her scent was driving me crazy. I stepped closer and pressed my nose to her neck and inhaled. The surprisingly floral and feminine smell flooded me and inevitably made me thirsty for her. But the pang of copper shortly came through with an undertone of grit to my pallet. My cock began to throb with anticipation. Strange that she hadn’t so much as flinched since I approached her so closely. She just stood, frozen like a well-trained soldier. My cock throbbed for her as I circled once again. I brushed back part of her leather collar to see how far the scar stretched down her neck. I couldn’t see the ending.
“Who did this to you?” I asked. I wanted to know who and how I could find them. It had been a while since I had ventured on a scavenger hunt.
“You don’t intimidate me,” was her response. I arched my eyebrows and stood in front of her. I was not oblivious to my own overpowering presence and physical appearance. Some had proclaimed me as a beautiful death angel. I hadn’t met anyone yet that could so easily look into my crystal blue eyes and not become short of breath. I was glorified in my maddening reputation and looks. But not this woman. My own arrogance began to eat at me alive. I wanted the gratification of her attraction towards me.
“If not intimidation then do I thrill you in other ways?” I said in a husky tone that would make most whimper and plea. Again, her body gave me no indication of interest. She just matched my stare with those steely brown eyes. Was she… bored?
“Not in the slightest,” she said. She looked over my shoulder and began to speak to Galador, ignoring me entirely. “There’s been an increase of movement outside the walls during the day which indicates that they are human. If we had scouts further out, we could catch them and bring them back. Your elite vampire team cannot approach them outside the wall while the sun is up. They aren’t enough.”
“How dare you–” I cut Galador off with a monstrous cackle. I stepped in front of her sight yet again so that she couldn’t see past my shoulders. Her gaze was relentless. I pressed my hand around her throat very slowly in consideration. She didn’t react in anyway. So controlled. Had it been anyone else, I would’ve snapped their neck for ignoring me by now. I contemplated it. Her throat bobbled. She was only human. Slowly she slid her hand behind her back to reach for the handle of her sword. In those few seconds the soldiers that stood silently against the walls stepped forward. I couldn’t help but chuckle. As if I needed such protection from one measly human at that. My brother had become too comfortable within his cushioned position if he was relying on his guards.
“Although I love the confidence little lamb,” I purred. “You shouldn’t overestimate your own ability and underestimate me. If I desired it, you would already be dead.” I stroked over the jagged scar on her neck. My thumb trailed over it as I contemplated what I would do with this new toy of mine.
I removed my hand from her throat, no longer able to sustain the proximity. As soon as I touched and began stroking her scarred skin, I wanted to fuck her and claim her as mine. An oddity but tastefully interesting.
“I’ll permit this to happen on two conditions,” I said and walked back to the throne with deliberate slowness. I had my back to her. If she was stupid enough to attack me, she could do so now. I raised my finger to Galador who was about to oppose the matter.
“What are your conditions?” She asked. I smiled. She took the bait.
“One, you will be my personal bodyguard as of tomorrow until I trust you are equipped enough for such exhibitions.”
“You don’t seem to need a bodyguard, your majesty,” she gritted out the last part. Oh my, now we were full of formalities.
“Call me Kyran, that’s what my friends call me.” I looked up at the chandeliers and considered that. “Well, if I had friends. If you refuse, then I will outright deny your request.”
She gritted her teeth and took a loud exhale. After a quick calculation she released her hand from the sword. “And your second condition?”
I charmed a smile and took a place in my seat once again. “I will join you on any exhibition I so desire. Only when it is at night of course.”
“Your majesty,” Galador exclaimed. “That is madness. Why–”
“No Galador, it sounds fun. I only go on exhibitions when brother wants me to kill villages of people at a time. There’s been less requests lately and I’m bored.” I offered him puppy dog eyes. Galador was taken aback. No one could ever change my mind once I had decided on something. And this was something fun and delicious. Delicious she would be. “Well what do you say little mouse?”
“That I feel like I am making a deal with the devil,” she admitted. I snaked a smile. She wasn’t an idiot and it excited me how weary yet confident she was within my presence.
“Does the devil look this good?” I asked raking my hand down my body.
“The devil doesn’t talk so much,” she said with a steely tone. I laughed again. Oh, my how fun her quip tongue would be. I could imagine how fun and great it would be at other things. My cock throbbed again. Fuck me, if she didn’t leave the room soon, I would pounce on her before she reached the door.
“Then it’s a deal Miss Pierce. I’ll see you tomorrow. Dismissed,” I waved her off, becoming uncomfortable with how much I wanted to dive into her and make her my own. I held onto the armchairs to restrain myself from chasing after her to do exactly that. I licked over my fangs as she turned and walked out the doors. The taste of my own blood downed my throat as I watched her ass shift back and forth in her leather pants. This day didn’t turn out so bad after all. I just found a very interesting mouse who might be able to play a very fun game with me.