Tick Tock the Bird Is Dead

It was an ominous feeling having Sasha sprawled out over me naked. I had fucked her into exhaustion yet again. Blood smeared from floor to ceiling as we lay in her single bed. I stared up at the ceiling, foreign to such contact. We just finished fucking and yet I still wanted her skin against mine. I wondered if I could stitch our skins together so that she could never escape. I held onto her tightly, then released slightly before my nails would draw blood. She was such a tiny fragile human. I could kill her in an instant but wanted to see her thrive in her darkness instead. I wanted her to prosper but only under my watch. Her heartbeat drummed over my non-existing one. It unsettled me by how much her rhythmic beat put my body in a state of rest. She was a threat to me and an overbearing new weakness that I couldn’t yet muster the glee to kill.

Her eyes didn’t flutter open, but I could sense that she was awake. Her dead weight lightened, and her breathing changed. She rested for a moment more before speaking. “You know that Oppollo wasn’t going to move his hand or retaliate until you did what you did.”

“What we did,” I corrected. “I know.” I smiled. It would be my brother’s problem now. I was excited to see the outcome.

“Oppollo is focused on reaching the other world. Our world and existence are only a pen to keep the vampires in. Why do you think he hadn’t acted sooner?”

I looked at her from the corner of my eye. Her nail scratched down between my pecks, she drew blood each time and it quickly healed. She dragged her nail down again in a soothing manner.

“It seems my crazy scientist knows a lot more about what’s beyond the walls than guarding them. Where did you find all this out?” I was impressed by her ability to decipher such information despite being so limited in freedom. They weren’t even allowed outside the walls and yet, somehow, she had crafted over the years a way to source such information. It made sense; my brother might’ve even mentioned it to me. Not that I listened, nor did I care.

She sprung up resting her head on her propped elbow. “Do you really want to know?” she said giddily. She brightened like a child, excited that she could share her masterful creation. I pushed back part of the golden waves of her hair that cascaded in front of her eyes.

“I want to know everything that is crafted from that beautiful mind, Sasha,” I said. I wanted to know every wicked detail and process of how she worked.

“So I-” Alarms swelled throughout the city. Sasha stopped talking and looked outside the window. I didn’t look away from her. We wouldn’t be able to see anything from the bay of her window. No, the commotion would be beyond the wall. I smiled wickedly, because I knew outside the walls would be a galloping heap of vampires coming to attack the very Kingdom my brother so proudly reigned over. And it was all under attack because of my actions. Glorious fun.

“I guess Oppollo is on his way,” I charmed a smile at her. Bloodbath. Fucking a mad scientist. War. My perfect, ideal week.

A mixture of emotion rolled over her usually stern face. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Translate whatever you are calculating in your head to me, Sasha Darling.” I wanted to understand her every thought and action. She furrowed her eyebrows and pushed away from me. Her thoughts were somewhere else entirely.

“I need to gather my research papers,” she said and jumped out of bed. I grabbed her wrist before she could leave. I wasn’t letting her go until she gave me an explanation. She hissed and noticed me for the first time since the alarms began to sound. “Oppollo is ruthless. He will burn this city to the ground if your brother can’t defend this city. I knew that when I came with you to antagonize him. I have to gather my papers. I’ll flee this city with my team and findings. No matter what, my research must survive for the new world that we’ll soon enter.”

I raised my eyebrows. My crazy scientist spoke significantly of the new world that paralleled ours. It made me curious if she knew more than what she led on or if she was simply an idealist. Foremost, I asked. “You plan on fleeing the battle?” I was infuriated that she didn’t plan on taking part of the fun with me. This could be our glorious bloodshed together.

“I plan on continuing my research and escaping into the human world. The real one. My mother did it and so can I.” The alarms continued to run through the city, heightening in noise. I could sense my brother’s guards gather outside Sasha’s apartment. When they stepped closer, they were startled by her security system that would keep them back. I knew that my brother had sent them to take me. He would always have me on the frontline of his battles. As I always desired.

“Oppollo’s men won’t break through the wall,” I said confidently. Not if I was standing in their way.

“I don’t think Oppollo’s only target is this kingdom.” So, I would stop him and whatever other goal he had in mind. “You’re not unkillable,” she said pulling out of my grasp so she could put her leather attire on.

“Careful Darling, that almost sounds like concern,” I said as I found my loose trousers on the floor. Fancy that, I was preparing for an epic battle in my PJs. She zipped up her sleeveless shirt and looked over her shoulder. She tied her hair into a tight ponytail. Before we went our separate ways, I threatened her, “If you attempt to run away from me, I’ll find you.”

“To do what, Kyran?” She asked huffing and raking her leather pants on her creamy white legs. “To kill me or join me in a world that you probably won’t be able to survive?”

“Which ever one comes sooner. But the latter sounds far more exciting.” She stared at me in contemplation. Someone shouted out my name from outside. It distracted neither of us.

“Is that what you plan on doing? A vampire prince following a human into a world with real sunlight and the uncertainty of survival. Are you suicidal?” She asked now grabbing for her weapons. I came to her side with lightning speed and grabbed her wrist. I jarred her chin to look up at me with unrelenting force.

“I do whatever I want. But remember, you’re mine. There is no way I’ll let you escape with a gang of your little hunter pals where you can gang bang without me. I’ll find you,” I threatened. “And understand that if you try to ever escape me,I’ll destroy everything around you and all that you’ve lived and worked for.”

“Somehow,” she hissed. “Your threats have little meaning when your cock is still rock hard against me.” I looked down at my bulge that was indeed poking into her. I took her lips into mine and pressed my tongue against hers in dominance. She fought back as always.

“Threat. Promise. Call it whatever you like. But you won’t escape me little mouse. Now do your job on the wall well,” I mused and bit at her lip to draw blood. I walked away towards the broken window.

“Don’t have your unbeating heart ripped out,” she hissed from behind me. I charmed a smile at my devilish woman and jumped through the window to reach those who dared ruin my sex rendezvous.

One of the vampires began to offer me a report. I ushered him away. “Yeah, yeah. Oppollo’s on his way. Blah blah blah,” I said. They split away for me, making room so I could walk down the center of their formation. “Has the King yet appeared?” My brother would either hide in his castle, preaching bullshit that he believed in my ability to take the frontline; or he would lead by example like the warrior that he, only sometimes chose to be, to showcase his boring leadership.

“He’s positioned at the entrance of the wall, Prince Kyran,” the vampire reported. Ew. The formality irked me every time. He shuffled uncomfortably away when his gaze dropped to my massive hard on. I had no shame.

I made my way to the front wall where the gates were already opened and ready for our troops to disperse. The human wall guards prepared formation with barrels of flames, arrows, and machinery they’d never had to use before. Amell’s vampire army rustled silently, waiting for the signal to leave the front gates. The natural moonlight shone through the large wooden doors. Such a rarity to see them open and welcoming in the natural cold breeze of the outside.

I scaled the wall and jumped onto the highest peak where my brother stood watching with his keen sight within a small guarded tower. I had to admit it was all theatrically beautiful. My attack had been unannounced, fast, and relentless. Now this was slow, flamboyant, and on a larger scale. They were practically announcing themselves.

“Are you happy now?” Amell said with his head held high. He looked past his nose down at the piles of vampires that came our way in the distance.