I wiped over my shoulder defiantly wanting to scrub out the filth of his touch. Gross. Dead man hand in my body. Sasha let loose a gurgling scream. My body reacted before I had time to think. I ripped apart the two vampires who had pinned her against the wall and bitten into her. The next few moments were a blur of blood spluttering everywhere. She did well to hold them off for so long. But she was only one human after all. No matter how exceptional.
I came to her aid assessing the puncture marks. They had torn rather viciously at her throat and chest. “It’s okay,” I said. She tried to steady her breathing but was coughing from the inhalation of smoke.
“I know,” she said through a rasp and pressed off the building, clutching at her wound. Her eyes were still enveloped in black as she searched through the graveyard to see if there were any survivors. She was still on the hunt. She took a step towards the humans and I intervened. Not that I cared for the humans. But I imagined that her more rational and human conscious did.
“Sasha,” I said collecting her face into my hands. She looked over my shoulder at the huddled and scared villagers. She didn’t even flinch away from my touch. “They’re human.” She snarled in response. I firmly held her face so she couldn’t look away from me nor prey on the humans further. She sneered at me in response. “Pull your bitchy attitude in,” I said. I was conflicted. It turned me on as much as it ached me to see. She was going against the very nature she believed in. But this darkness of hers intrigued me beyond measure. I so badly wanted to consume it myself.
She snarled at me again her grip now coming around my wrists and her blunt nails digging in. I could see the reflection of myself in those heavenly black enveloped eyes. A monster reflecting a monster. But past that was the first woman who had ever ventured on a massacre with me and she was only human. I was the one pulling her back.
The stench of her foreign blood burned my nostrils. I was aroused by this demon that was summoned to my side. Fate had brought her into my path to toy with. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. I pressed my lips closer to hers. My body reacted on its own, taking what it had craved for so long now. Her hot breath flushed through me. My body didn’t need such things as breath but consuming hers made me feel alive. Her upper lip brushed past mine and she nipped at me. I was startled if anything. I had been so transfixed in her eyes that I hadn’t even realized she had bitten my lip.
“We don’t bite the hand that feeds us,” I chastised her. The nibble alone had my entire body in flames. My cock hardened at the conquest. Of both our enemy camp being perished and this wickedly delicious woman in front of me who dared to bite.
“You don’t feed me,” she snarled and tried to pull away to look over my shoulder and at the humans. I still held her face firmly so she couldn’t look at anything but me.
“Oh, but how I could,” I said taking her lips for myself. There was a salty mix of blood and sweat. I could taste the taint of hatred and passion for the fight. It rolled into me as I pushed against her tongue trying to make more room for my wicked ways.
I pushed against her; my cock now hard at the prospect of this monster finally submitting to me. She rolled her hips against me, moaning with the same sweet contentment. The building beside us collapsed as the flames continued to tear down the village behind us.
She pulled back with relentless force. Her eyes were no longer dilated as she stared at me with steely brown pupils. I released her. I was going against my very nature to accommodate for a human! I took what I wanted when I wanted. She took a shaky breath and pulled back her hand from the wound on her neck to see the blood. She looked around us, confused. Did she not recall any of it?
She looked past my shoulder at the whimpering humans and then back at her bloody hands. Her heart continued to thrum loudly as I felt the tension in her body rise. “It’s time for us to go,” she said and began walking into the direction of which we came. Her walk was strong, but I noticed the strain it was putting on her body. She didn’t heal as quickly as us vampires. “We’ve done what you came for.”
“Is that it?” I said with my cock still rock hard. Every urge in my body wanted to lunge at her and claim what was mine. It was my right and yet her one effective look kept me in my place.
“We’ve done enough tonight,” she said and turned her back on me once again. I moved my dick uncomfortably. I could feel the passion running through her only seconds ago. Her touch reacted to mine. Her body thrummed to be wrapped around mine and heaving to have my cock inside of her. Was it possible that I had met someone even more messed up then me?
“What Darling Sasha wants, Sasha gets,” I chimed in a childish tone. I wanted to take her as mine right now. But a part of me wanted to continue playing this game that she now entertained. Her most primal instinct was to touch and fuck me. I would bring that out in the real Sasha, the less demon-eyed version of herself. I found both sides of her equally pleasing. I would make her submit. Hickory, dickory, dock.