Sienna breaks the silence first. “But you’ve got loads of friends, two sisters and your mother and all of us are going to look after you and the baby.”
I take a gulp of my now cold decaf to calm my nerves, but I need something stronger. The idea of having this baby alone scares the hell out of me.
Ella gnaws her lip, eyeing me anxiously. She’s an omega. She knows what I need. “And the perfect alpha will come along when you least expect it.”
A knot forms in my throat. “Not when I’m carrying another alpha’s baby.”
I stare at Sienna’s phone again, looking closer at Lucas and the lady he is with. I don’t know what Stanton was thinking. There is no way Lucas Hilton is going to get jealous.
And I’m not sure that I want him to be.
Chapter 24
As I step onto the ice, adrenaline pumps through my body and it’s not because I’m doing what I love, playing hockey for the New York Bears. It’s because Stanton wasn’t home before I left the apartment. And he’s not here for drills either.
Is he with her?
For now, I’ll brush off my concerns and focus on the game. But for sure, later he’ll hear my wrath.
I’m ready to take charge and try to wipe away the way Stanton looked at me as he stroked over the back of her hand.
The puck drops and we’re off. I skate as fast as I can, weaving through the opposing team’s defense, trying to create scoring opportunities.
Jenson passes to me as Carver cuts past me, the sound of his skates scraping against the ice. He steals the puck right out from under my stick.
Get a grip, Lucas!
Vehement determination propels me forward, and I spurt down the ice like a raging bull toward a red flag.
My muscles burn as I race towards the puck, ready to steal it back and take control of the game before he gets the chance to take a shot.
But Carver is the best on the ice, despite what Stanton thinks. One day, the iceman, Carver, is going to own the NHL. He’ll have teams eating out of his hands and owners giving him blank checks. I just hope I’m on the same team as him.
His brother, Colton, pushes forward, and I join him, ready to take charge. But Carver isn’t easy to read. He has a skill that most players don’t seem to have.
Luckily, Colton trained with his older brother since he was young, and he knows his next move.
Colton slides alongside his brother, making it awkward for Carver to take a shot. Carver should find a teammate and flick the puck for someone else to take a shot. Instead, he skates low, slicing the ice as he cuts around the back of the net like an eagle about to swoop on its prey.
I hold my defensive position, not giving him the space he needs to shoot.
His eyes search around as he swings around the net, already seeing the wall that stops his shot.
But he controls the puck between the ice and his stick, cutting across the front of the net. I turn, but before I take my next breath, he spins a one eighty and flicks his stick, plummeting the puck into the back of the net.
“Time for a break,” Coach calls to the team, before turning to me as I skate off the ice. “Where’s Stanton?”
I shrug my shoulders.
“You live together,” he says with an exasperated tone.
“I’m not his keeper.”
“Well, he needs to get his act together, or he’s off the team. Being the captain doesn’t save anyone.”
Stanton is a crucial part of our team and his absence is felt on the ice, but it won’t stop me from breaking his legs if he tries to put a wedge between me and Grace.