She tilts her head to one side. “And then you’re going home?” Her voice stammers.
Does she not want me?
“Nope. I’ll sleep here tonight. That will get Lucas really jealous.”
Her chin lifts in the air defiantly, she squeaks, “You can’t sleep here.”
“I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“You’re used to getting your way, aren’t you?”
I shake my head. “If only that was true.”
“Well, up to now, you’ve gotten your own way each time.”
There’s a moment of silence as we stare at each other.
“Why are you really doing this for me?” she asks, suspicion coating her words.
Our eyes stay locked in a tense standoff, neither of us daring to break the unspoken connection. Then I move closer, my feet shuffling on the ground as I narrow the space between us.
“Because I don’t want to walk away and regret it in the morning like Lucas does.”
Her eyes widen, lips parting. And I want nothing more than to feel her lips on mine.
“Does he?” Her voice is barely a whisper. She shakes her head. “He can’t. He never gave me a second thought.” She sighs. “I thought he wanted me. I should’ve known. He wore that stupid mask and refused to take it off. I just thought…”
She shakes her head. “Nothing.”
“Tell me?”
“I just thought he liked me enough that when we woke up together out of my heat, we’d be like two people who wanted to be with each other and not an alpha who wasn’t interested once the omega was normal again.”
“Sorry,” I say. “Do you remember much about your heat?”
I’ve heard both omegas and alphas can go to another place when the heat takes hold. Lucas wasn’t so far gone. I think because of her threats to go to a heat room.
For me, it was my first time with an omega. First time feeling a connection I never expected to feel, and I wanted to remember every single damn moment of it.
“I remember Lucas turning up. I remember trying to take off his mask. He kissed me. Then…” She shakes her head. “It’s a bit of a blur.” She exhales deeply. “But I felt him, and I’m sure I must have bitten him because sometimes I still feel him.”
“You do?”
She nods sadly. “I feel his anger.”
I blow out a breath as I look around her neckline for a bite mark. “He never claimed you?”
She shakes her head sadly. “I should’ve known. If he wanted me and knew I was his, he would have.”
“Did you set boundaries beforehand? Before your heat got out of control?”
“Yeah,” she mutters.
“I know you don’t think so right now, but Lucas is an honorable guy. If you asked him not to bite you, he wouldn’t.”
Her hand slaps on her chest. “And I did it to him. I feel so bad. Maybe that’s why he left me on the last morning. Maybe that’s why I felt his anger through the bond.”