“Really!” Harlow hisses to her boyfriend. “That’s hardly the way to win her over. Like she’s his last choice.”
“I’m not offended, though Stanton might be. Why have you left it so late?” I ask, turning to Stanton. “You must have loads of girls on speed dial.”
He grins. “Not anymore. Not since…” He stares at me for a moment before clearing his throat. “I’m trying to concentrate on my career.”
“Oh, I see.” The words come out quietly. I’ve heard that expression before today.
“So Grace, will you do me the honor? As team captain, I must bring a date. As Colton told you, ‘I’m desperate.’”
“Charming. Everyone is really making me feel wanted.” I fake a smile. I know I’m not his type. He’s way out of my league. But then he’s so confident. I don’t think he’s my type, either.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude.” His voice is throaty.
I brush away his response with a wave of my hand. “It’s fine. If you want me to go with you, I’ll go.”
His hand slams against his heart. “Now it’s my turn to be hurt.”
I chuckle. “I doubt anyone has ever hurt you.”
His eyes lock on mine and there’s a moment between us. “I’m hurt more now than ever in my life.”
“What do you think he meant by ‘He’s hurt now more than ever in my life?’” Harlow asks as I struggle into my dress. “Do you think it was a weird thing to say?”
I shrug my shoulders. “He was just parroting me because I said something like it.”
Harlow shakes her head. “No, there was something there.”
“I feel too fat to get dressed up.” I moan, ignoring whatever she is trying to say. “I need something to wear that is looser.”
“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant, and you’re only seven weeks, you’re not even showing.” My sister chastises.
“I feel like a whale.”
Harlow shakes her head. “You’ll feel better after a night out with a nice man. And what could be better than a fancy hockey party where there’ll be lots of food,” Harlow says as we get ready in the hotel suite.
“I feel like I’m going to puke,” I say, splaying my palm over my stomach.
“Ugh! I still can’t believe you’re pregnant.” Bardot brushes her newly dyed platinum blonde hair. “Does he know yet?”
“You and me both,” I tell her, while wishing I could tell her more about the guy, but I respect his privacy. He was honest from the start. Adamant that my heat was what he wanted above all else. Never my heart.
“Have you told him about the baby?” Bardot pushes.
I shake my head. “He wanted nothing to do with me after the act.” I don’t tell her I deleted his details and I’ve got no way of letting him know. Not that I haven’t tried, but how do you find someone who doesn’t want to be found?
“He told you that?” Bardot hisses.
I nod. “We were fucking and nothing else. No feelings, nothing.” Tears brim my eyes as I tell her with brutal honesty of exactly what it was.
“It wasn’t what you wanted, though?” Bardot says, sadness coating her words.
I gesture with a shrug and run my hand across my belly. “I don’t know. Initially, I aspired to be a doctor, then a cafe owner, but now I want to be a mother. He doesn’t matter.”
“But are you going to tell him?” Harlow asks.
“He has a right to know,” Bardot presses.
“Once it’s born, I’ll do the right thing and tell him.” I don’t know how, but I’ll find a way.