They disagree. They knew they’d find me. Because one way or another scent matched alphas and omegas always find each other.
I get it. Scent matching is this world’s equivalent to soulmates or fated mates.
Whatever you want to call it, we are the lucky ones, the few who are destined to be together.
Epilogue One - Grace
Six Months Later
Today has been a whirlwind of steamed milk, the clink of coffee cups, and the sweet scent of cinnamon swirling through the air of the café.
I dart from one table to the next, as much as I can when my belly is so big it feels like it’s going to burst.
Normally I’m focused on work, but today my mind is already half-way to New York, where later today, Lucas, Stanton, and my sister’s boyfriend, Colton, will play in the semi-finals of the Stanley Cup.
“Are you ready?” my sister, Harlow calls at the doorway, clicking a set of keys in her hand.
Inside the stadium, the energy is palpable as we find our reserved seats. The atmosphere is buzzing, the crowd so loud, the sounds vibrate through the steel and concrete.
Stanton and Lucas warm up on the ice with the rest of the players. I send strength and love through the bond and I know when they turn and smile at me; it reaches them.
“I’m nervous for Colton,” Harlow says. “He’s convinced he’s going to mess up his game.”
Colton’s still a rookie, but after his brother Carver, he’s one of the best players on the ice. “I doubt that.”
The buzzer goes and the game starts.
Soon it becomes a blur of motion—sticks clashing, pucks flying, players skating with a ferocity that matches the pounding of my heart.
By the time the first buzzer goes to end the period, the New York Bears and the Seattle Sharks are locked in a fierce battle, the score too close for comfort.
My heart is racing when the team skates back on the ice. And soon they’re flying as each goal sends the crowd wild with shouting and cheering.
As the seconds tick down to end the last period, the tension is unbearable. The crowd is on their feet as Lucas passes to Stanton, who looks for Carver, because he’s already scored more goals than anyone else tonight.
Stanton dashes down the right-hand side and passes to Colton, who sees his brother is in a perfect scoring opportunity, and crosses the puck to him. And then, in a glorious rush of adrenaline, Lucas roars through the center, and Carver passes to him. Lucas spins on the ice, but he’s blocked. Carver rushes through the defense, taking the puck from his feet. His stick is high and in a flash, he scores another goal.
The stadium erupts with cheers and stamping of feet. I stare at the clock above the ice, watching the seconds tick down.
Minutes later, the buzzer sounds, ending the game.
I’m on my feet, screaming with the rest of them.
The players circle the ice, congratulating not only the crowds and their team but also Seattle for such a brilliant game.
Lucas and Stanton are there amid the players. Their eyes meet mine across the ice. They wave, their smiles wide, and pride swells within me and I send it through the bond.
But as I cheer with the crowd cheers, a sudden warmth spreads down my legs.
“Oh... F…”
Around me, the celebration continues, the crowd oblivious to my predicament. I grip my sister’s arm, and she glances to where my gaze goes.
“Oh my god, I’m going to be an aunt,” she says excitedly.
When I look up, my eyes connecting with Lucas’. His smile falters, his brow furrowing as he reads the situation in my gaze.
Stanton’s reaction is instant; his joyous bond shifts to one of concern, and he pushes through his teammates, skating towards me as fast as he can.