Page 12 of Knot My Only Fan

“Wow,” I whisper. “I mean, because you really thought you were a beta. Omegas present earlier than alphas, so you really are a late developer.”

She smirks at the camera. “Cheers for making me feel better.”

I laugh. “Are you joining OmegaFans?” There’s no way I’m letting her go, even if it means subscribing to her there.

She shakes her head. “Once I’ve gone through my heat, I’ll get a beta implant.”

I snort at her admission. “You’re telling an alpha that you are going to hide your designation.”

When her eyes look deep into the camera, I feel she is looking at me. “You don’t know where I live or anything about me. I know I’m safe telling you anything.”

“Okay, then keep talking. Tell me everything.”

“There’s not much else to tell you. My mom is booking me into a heat hotel. Probably in New York and I’ll attend it once my heat kicks in. Right now, I have to take my temperature every day and when it gets close to the time, I’ll stay in a hotel opposite the clinic to keep me safe until my body is ready.”

I close my eyes, replaying her words over and over. She’s going into a heat soon. She’s coming to New York. “And how soon away from your heat are you?”

“My temperature is rocketing. It’s because of my age. It might be a week away, but less than two weeks.”

She’s going to be fucked by an alpha.

He’ll want her.

How can he not?

“You’ve never had sex with an alpha?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No. I had one boring ex-boyfriend who was a beta.”

I growl at the thought of her with someone else. Then I shake that thought away.

I don’t want her.

I want to fuck her... not want her.

But I’m furious that she wants to hide her omega once she’s gone through her heat.

What the fuck is wrong with omegas?

She should be revered, looked after and not pretending she is something she isn’t.

“My friend is an omega, and she was going to go to a heat hotel before she found her pack,” she says, turning away from the camera and looking to her right as if she is thinking about something. “She has all the information for me, so I’m meeting her this weekend, so she can give me some advice on what to do.” She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe it’ll be fun. Maybe I’ll meet an alpha or a pack and decide not to get a beta implant and live happily ever after, like my friend did.”

I growl. A pack?

I can’t have her being fucked by one alpha, never mind a fucking pack.

Her eyes shift back to the camera, and she smiles.

And that’s when I say the most ludicrous thing in my life, “I’ll take you through your heat. But I have a rule we both wear masks, no asking about our lives and no feelings will be attached. It will be just sex. Get you through your heat and then we’ll say goodbye.”

“No!” Her voice raises.

“No,” I reply, confused that she didn’t jump at the opportunity.

“That’s not a good idea.”

“It’s a fucking brilliant idea. My career is too important to get involved with anyone, omega or not. And you don’t want an alpha...”