I hate being sick.
“I’m your boyfriend. From now on, hide nothing from me.” His voice is hard, but his touch is soft.
He reaches up, presses the release button, flushing away the evidence.
I say nothing about the ‘boyfriend’ comment. The taste in my mouth overcomes any conversation right now. “I need to brush my teeth.”
With a quick tug, he hoists me up and sets me gently on the smooth, cold marble counter. My legs dangle over the edge as I look up at him with surprise. “You’re strong.”
He smiles as he spreads the paste on my toothbrush. “Open.”
“Open your mouth.”
I obey, but he doesn’t hand me the toothbrush, instead he gently brushes my teeth for me.
The entire time, my eyes are locked on him.
Afterward, I swill my mouth as he dampens a cloth under the warm water and gently wipes it across my sweaty face. “Do you feel better?”
“Thank you.” I nod as tears coat my eyes.
Damn my hormones. That’s what my mom keeps telling me it is when I get weepy.
He glances at my tummy. An unspoken moment as my hand reaches to where his eyes look.
“Is the baby okay? Are you okay?”
“We’ll be fine.”
“You will.”
I nod. “Though I’ve never heard of a single parent omega before. You’d think he’d smell his baby inside me and pounce over the tables to protect me and his... the baby.”
Stanton gnaws on his lip for a moment before answering, “He probably wanted to, but was scared because of his father.”
“His father. The Senator?”
He nods. “He isn’t a nice man.”
“You mean I won’t be good enough for his precious son? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”
“You’re good enough. But his father isn’t interested in anyone who won’t further his career.”
I gasp. “His? Not Lucas’ career?”
He nods. “Come here. You need to rest.” He holds out his muscular arms for me to fall into, and that’s what I do. Leaning against his chest as I hold on to him.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask quietly. “I mean, if his father won’t allow me into Lucas’ life anyway, you’re wasting your time. And then what do you get out of it?”
He looks startled, like he’s suddenly wondering why the fuck he offered the arrangement, but then surprises me by saying, “I get the honor of spending time with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
I groan as I look heavenward. “Hardly.”
He grabs my chin with his thumb and index finger, and stares me dead in the eyes. “You need to dig deep and find your confidence. I know it’s there. I saw glimpses of it tonight.”
My bottom lip quivers and I dig my teeth in to stop myself from crying.