Page 6 of Knot My Only Fan

With every step I take towards the elevator, I can’t help but reflect on his words. I love hockey and his comment has pissed me off. How can he know when my smiles are real or fake?

Inside my penthouse, I forget about Trent and pour myself a commiserating bourbon. Still annoyed at myself and how we lost the game. We were winning right until the final five minutes.

Then something shifted.

They made some last-minute changes and our team floundered as they scored two goals.

I sigh as I take my cell and check my messages.

Henry: You didn’t look as strong tonight.

I hate that my father still thinks he helped to get my place on the team. Being a high-profile lawyer and now a senator always opened doors. Doors I wanted opening because of my skill, not because of him.

I hit the next of his many messages.

Henry: You need an omega.

A deep groan rattles up my throat as I hit the next message.

Henry: Raine needs an alpha, and she wants children. She can’t keep going into a heat room.

I grumble, “Not my problem.” And take another sip of the amber liquid as I read his next text message.

Henry: Are you not bothered by her being fucked by other alphas?

“No!” I say to no one at all. “Because she isn’t mine.”

I should reply, but I don’t. I drop my body onto the couch and take a sip of my drink before I open an app for BetaFans.

Some of my teammates are on OmegaFans, but I don’t want the temptation of seeing slick between her legs or hearing the little purrs that omegas make.

I choose BetaFans because it provides a sense of detachment, allowing me to walk away with no lingering emotions. I want nothing other than seeing her naked body and ask her to do things to herself that help me get myself off.

The trouble is, I keep coming back to the one girl.

I subscribed to five when I first joined the site out of curiosity, but now I only watch her. My red-headed beta. Her designation is one I’m glad she has. I’m not sure I could control myself if she was an omega.

I click on her name.


I think it’s her real name. I guess she would’ve picked something more obscure if she wanted to hide herself. She wears a mask, and as much as I’ve tried to make out her features, I only know she has red hair, deep brown eyes, and puffy pink lips. And a mouth I’d love to see sucking my cock.

But I’ll never do that.

I only joined the website because I needed an escape. Needed to speak to someone who doesn’t have a clue who I am.

Another teammate gave me the link, and that same night I joined, scanned through the list of creators that my search returned. I signed up for the ones with blurbs that caught my interest.

In my search, I asked for petite redheads and unchecked the button for New York. I don’t want to meet anyone, planned or otherwise.

Before I found Scarlett, I had already subscribed to five accounts. I never clicked on anymore after that, and over the months, I’ve unsubscribed from the other creators, only paying for her time.

I upgraded my subscription to tier three, which comes with additional benefits. I make it a point to tip generously on every occasion. The background of Scarlett’s videos suggests she may not be financially well-off, and I love to be the one who helps her.

I suppose it’s because I love to hear her laughing and see her smiling, but I get jealous knowing she’s being watched by other men.

And I know I have to remember why I’m on the site, and it’s not to fall in love or get physical with anyone.