I struggle to breathe, thrashing against his grip. My vision comes and goes and as my eyes flutter open, I’m back in my room in Georgia. The master bedroom. I take in the photos of Jared and I on the ski slopes, at his family’s Christmas, and then the last pictures I have of my mom and me.
My eyes fill with tears as I see the dark circles under her eyes. She was so sick. She was so sick, and she didn’t even tell me until all the sand in the glass had run out.
“Bitch,” a voice calls above me. It’s not Luca. I whip my head up to see Manny.
“Fuck you!” I shout at him as he grins wickedly down at me. I throw useless punches at him as he closes off my throat. I gasp for air, and once again, I shut my eyes, but when I open them this time, it’s not Manny. It’s not Luca. It’s the real fucking devil in my mind.
“You’re just unstable, baby,” he coos above me, his voice dripping with sympathy. “Are you sure you shouldn’t talk to someone? I have a great therapist. Melanie, my secretary sees him.” And then he squeezes me to death.
I jar awake and instantly reach for Luca, my hands trembling.
But he’s not there.
I rub my eyes, the realization hitting me. This is the first night Luca hasn’t come up, and I assume he’s staying on the couch—or somewhere. I owe him an apology. I do. I shouldn’t have gone off on him. But… That would mean I would have to tell him the truth.
I want to confront Jared. And that’s the only reason I want him to stay alive. It’s not about punishing him by letting him live. It’s about closure to my decade long marriage, and then I can start over. With Luca.
My eyes drift to the clock on the wall and my heart skips a beat.
“It’s over,” I breathe out, the realization hitting me. It’s over. I rip the covers back, not even caring that Luca’s probably still mad. I race out of the bedroom, and instantly, the air in the house feels wrong.
“Luca?” I call out as I thunder down the stairs, Major hot on my heels. Panic thrums through my chest, as I cover the house, calling for him.
But he’s not there. He’s not anywhere.
“Where did he go?” I turn to Major, my hands shaking. “Where is he?”
Major tilts his head at me, like I should know the answer to my own freaking question. I blow out a sharp breath and take off to the garage, ripping the door open.
No, no, no!
His motorcycle is gone. Is this what he planned all along? This can’t have been the plan. This isn’t our plan. I glance around the garage, trying to gather my thoughts. I didn’t have a chance to apologize. Is he going back to The Den?
I rush back into the house, Major now hyped up and running alongside me as I race back to the stairs. I go to the cave and push down on the lever. However, I freeze as I see the keypad.
I don’t have the code.
I stare at the keypad, defeat riddling me. I try his birthday. I try my birthday. I try Major’s birthday. I lean my head against the door and stifle a sob. There’s no one here to watch over me. No one to help.
No one to stop me from leaving.
The thought plays on repeat as I push myself off the door. I glance down at Major. “Where do you think he went? And what's the fucking code?”
The black dog huffs out a sigh in response, and then it hits me. Ten, thirty-two, twelve.
“Of course,” I laugh, shaking my head. I step into the room, and go straight for the computer, waving the mouse.
I navigate to the GPS folder and bypass the encryption—just like Jude showed me—however, something glitches on the screen. I furrow my brow as a message pops up on the screen.
Sorry, can’t let you in. Blocking the system for your protection. I’ll come get you tomorrow. -Jude