I shake my head. “I don’t know. She works until six though.” I fold my arms across my chest as they assess the scene. All I can do is wait. My stomach churns as they pour over the house, and I remain in the entryway. Major sits beside me, and when the doorbell shatters my stupor, my heart begins to bang unevenly in my chest.
I swallow hard, picturing Melanie on the other side for some reason. One of the men working rushes past me, peering out the peephole. And then he opens the door.
In walks Lydia. And Henry.
Her eyes grow wide as she takes in the body still on the floor. “Holy shit, Emma…”
I bite down on my lip, suddenly realizing just how psycho I probably look to her. I’ve gotten so used to violence as my norm that I never even… “I… I’m not… I…”
Lydia rushes me, wrapping me up in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I really fucked up, didn’t I?” I choke out through the sob.
“You made a hell of a mess,” Henry chuckles. “No wonder Luca is so into you. It makes so much fucking sense now.”
I cringe at his name. “He’s going to murder me.”
“Maybe,” Henry mutters. “You need to get out of here.”
“He’s on his way,” I say softly. “Jude left me a voicemail.” I’m still processing the fact that all these people are somehow linked together—with my best friend.
But maybe it’s just that small of a world.
“He’s here, Emma,” Lydia says, drawing back from our embrace. “And you don’t have to see him if you’re not ready.”
“He needs to see this,” Henry reasons, shaking his head of dark hair. “Jeez.”
“Just let him in then,” I say, my eyes drifting back to the body.
“Good,” a voice booms behind me. “I was coming in anyway.”
I cringe at the sharpness in Luca’s tone and shut my eyes. I don’t know if I have the guts to face him.
“This is a nasty mess you’ve made.” His voice grills me.
“Give her a fucking break,” Lydia snaps. “She’s been through a lot.”
“Haven’t we all.”
“I need to change,” I say, avoiding his gaze, though my eyes skim over his Vans, covered in blood. The sight surprises me, and I whip my head up, shocked at the shape he’s in. “What happened?” I gasp at the gashes across his face.
“I left you a note.”
I shake my head. “What note?”
“You two can talk later, we need to get out of here,” Henry cuts in. “Here.” He hands me a black hoodie. “Put it on. You’re going with Luca.”
“No, she’s not,” Lydia cuts in. “You heard him on the way here. He’s pissed at her. She needs support—”
“It’s fine,” I cut her off. “We have to settle the score at some point.”
Luca lights up in a jarring sardonic laugh. “So, it’s settled then. See you guys back in California. You can take Major with you. I’ll get him when I get back.”
“You don’t have to go,” Lydia grabs my arm. “If he’s dangerous, you don’t have to go.”
“Lydia,” I grab her hand and squeeze it. “I’ll be okay. Promise.”
She sighs, letting me go then. I follow Luca into the house and then through the garage door, Major leashed and left with Henry and Lydia. My heart thrums in my chest, as we step into the dark garage.