“She’s safe,” Jude speaks quickly as Henry’s grip tightens. “She’s at his place.”
“Why did no one tell me?” Henry exasperates. “Lydia’s been going fucking mad.” He jerks me, and I groan out in pain—and then vomit again.
“He had to keep her safe,” Jude says. “Her hit expired at the end of yesterday.”
The words hit me like a freight train, and I suck in a sharp breath. It’s over now. It’s over for me. It’s over for her. We’re free.
I just have to get home to her.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Why are the lights off?
I stare at the house as we pull up. I glance at the time on the clock. I was supposed to take her to Henry and Lydia today. But today is actually yesterday. I dropped the fucking ball on Emma.
“She’s gonna be so pissed,” I groan.
“I tried to send her messages,” Jude tells me. “She shut down the computer.”
“I’m so fucked.”
“You talk about her like you’re…” Henry’s voice trails off as the garage door opens. And at first, I don’t understand. But when I follow his gaze, and I see my empty garage, I feel the strong urge to vomit all over again.
“She left,” I growl, I reach for the passenger side door of Henry’s Mercedes. I forget about my concussion and whatever I was drugged with. Fuck this. Fuck Ivan. Fuck Emma. I kick the door open so hard Henry curses, but I don’t care.
I tear out of the car, ignoring the throbbing in my head. “Emma!” I don’t know why I shout her name. I don’t know why I run into the house searching for a woman I know I won’t find.
I walk into the quiet kitchen and see the untouched note on the counter. I go straight for it and tear it to fucking shreds.
“You don’t know that she left on her own free will,” Jude says quickly as he and Henry enter behind me.
“They were all there with me. Ivan didn’t give a shit about her. It wasn’t about her,” I roar, heading for the stairs. However, halfway up, I realize something is all wrong. “Major!” I shout, my heart skipping multiple beats. Not my dog. Where’s my dog?
“Major!” I hear Jude calling from behind me, a tinge of panic in his voice. I tear through the bedroom, and as soon as I enter, I see the nightstand drawer open. The closet light is still on in the bathroom. I go to my nightstand, grunting with frustration as I immediately notice the keys and cash missing.
Emma, you little…
Anger tears through my chest. After fucking everything, she splits out from under me without a freaking word of notice.
“She left on her own,” I spin around as Jude and Henry enter the bedroom. “She fucking left me.”
“She may have just panicked,” Jude says in a calm voice. “You said you left her a note. Did you leave it where she’d see it for sure?”
“I put it on the counter,” I exasperate. “Of course, she saw it.” But I don’t actually know that for sure. I don’t know anything for sure right now.
“I’ll call Lydia,” Henry says. “She needs to know she’s alive, anyway.”
“Don’t yet,” Jude instructs. “We need to figure out where she is. She has no phone.”
“And my dog,” I groan. “Why would she take my dog?”
“Maybe she didn’t want to leave him here alone, and maybe she’s coming back.” Jude reaches out and squeezes my shoulder, but I swat him away. “That Tahoe has a tracker on it, right?”
I nod. “Yeah, of course, it does.”
“Big secrets,” Henry drawls as he follows us to the cave. “You two kept big secrets.”