“What are you–”
“They love you, Declan. I can’t take them from you. And I don’t want to.”
Those words feel like a punch to the gut, though I should’ve known she’d see right through me. I want to look over at Lincoln and Shane to see their reactions, but I can’t. She holds me captive, my lips parting as I suck in a ragged breath.
“You’re a stronger man than this,” she continues, her voice quiet but firm. “Don’t let your fear win. Your dream is in reach and it’s time for you to take it.”
“I will–” I start
“But if you push me away and try to do it alone, you’ll push them away, too,” she goes on.
Her eyes burn into mine and she’s still so close I can feel her breath ghost over my lips. I turn my head and exhale, my shoulders dropping slightly as some of the tension leaves me. Though I don’t want to admit it, she’s right; Linc and Shane have been telling me as much for weeks. She takes a step back, her arms crossing once more. It’s subtle, but it tells me I affected her–one piece of armor she’s keeping.
“Are you done?” she challenges, not giving an inch. God, I fucking love it.
I simply stare back at her, waiting to see what she’ll do next.
“The Summit is next week, Declan. Are you going to work with us to prepare, or are you quitting this partnership?” She gestures to Linc and Shane. “Are you giving up on the team?”
Letting my eyes fall closed briefly, I sigh. “No.”
“Thank fuck,” Linc mutters, slapping his hands against the table and getting to his feet. “I need a goddamn drink.”
He kisses the top of Lex’s head as he passes her, brushing her shoulder and arm with a casual hand as he heads to the kitchen. I track the motion and Lex notices, her eyebrow cocking at me in challenge.
“What?” I push, turning back to my chair and giving myself a reprieve from her piercing gaze.
“Green’s not your color,” she chides, turning to follow Linc.
I stiffen. As my silent and entirely futile denial rises, I catch Shane’s eye. His expression is knowing, a tiny smirk on his lips, and I drop my face into my hands as I sit.
“I’m not jealous,” I groan, scrubbing a hand over my jaw and turning to look at him.
“Like fuck you aren’t.” He watches me impassively as I gape at him.
“Seriously? That’s all you’re gonna say to me.”
He shrugs. “Pretty sure Lex said it all. For now.”
Scoffing, I slouch back and sigh, looking up at the ceiling.
“For what it’s worth, she’s right. We love you. She doesn’t change that.”
I search his face. Doesn’t he see? “She’s changing everything, Shane.”
“Not all change is bad, Dec.”
We stare at each other for a few long moments until Linc and Lex return with drinks. I’m surprised when Lex hands me a beer, that sardonic look back on her face.
“Consider it an olive branch.”
“I hate olives,” I reply automatically, mentally slapping myself.
“Declan, take the goddamn beer,” Linc barks.
I obey, heart twisting when something like hurt flashes in Lex’s eyes. She’s quick to blink it away, turning back to her seat.
“Now that we’ve wasted our first thirty minutes, we should probably get down to business. I’d intended to start with good news: Solum has been selected as one of five finalists for this year’s Brightest in the Bay award.”