“Honestly, I’m still surprised I’m even here,” he says.
“What do you mean?” Cass presses.
He chuckles self-consciously. “Ah, I mean, I’m not surprised we’ve been funded. We deserve that, our tech is revolutionary. But being here, part of Athena’s roster? I have to pinch myself about that one every once in a while.”
“Say more.” I can hear the smirk in Cass’s voice.
“If we were football players, getting signed by Athena is like being a first round draft pick. And having Lex Livingston as our strategic business advisor and personal mentor is like winning the Super Bowl in our rookie year. She’s a force.”
He huffs, and I can picture him slowly shaking his head. “I admired her for years, you know. Was so impressed by Athena’s rise. It was like they didn’t know how to lose, like they didn’t even acknowledge it was an option. In a world where it’s impossible to play a perfect game, I thought they were the exception.”
“Thought, past tense?”
“Yeah. Then I met Lex, started working with her. And as much as I respect and appreciate the team she’s built, Athena’s success isn’t owed to them.” He pauses, and Cass looks at me with tender eyes.
“It’s her.” He takes a deep breath, soft sounds like he shifted in his chair coming through. “She’s literally the smartest person I’ve ever met, and that’s before you realize she actually gives a shit, truly, about the people she works with and mentors.”
He apologizes for the swearing. They laugh.
I look up and meet Cass’s gaze as he starts back up again, my heart pounding.
“I’m in awe of her. Working with her, benefiting from her perspective and expertise, is a literal dream. I founded Solum because I wanted to build my family’s legacy, launch a green building solution that could help address housing insecurity and improve global economies. That was the dream.”
Cass reaches out and squeezes my hand.
“Lex Livingston gave me–gave us–a second chance and, in doing so, handed my lifelong dream to me on a silver platter and dared me to dream bigger. Who else in this industry can do that, huh? No one. She’s a unicorn.”
My friend taps her phone and tosses it back down. “He may do a shit job of telling you how he feels, but he had no problem telling the whole damn world. I don’t know what’s keeping him from saying those things to your face, but we all have baggage, Lexi. Even you.”
I’m so stunned I don’t even react to the nickname, my eyes hot.
“The line between love and hate is a tightrope, you know.” Cass grins. “And while your broody asshole might be athletic as fuck, he’s no acrobat. He’s keeping you at a distance for a reason, but clearly a lack of attraction, respect, or admiration isn’t it.”
The thought warms me through. I almost hate how much I react to the simple idea of something more with Declan. When did I develop a thing for him? As soon as I think it, I know it’s a silly question. The back and forth between us is an aphrodisiac of its own, given how rarely I find someone to challenge me. And I fucking love how neither one of us can back down when we get into it, each of us pushing the other into something…more than we were before.
“Girl, that man looks at you like he wants to devour you.” Cass laughs, filling the silence I let linger.
“And he’s mad about it,” Ruby adds.
“You haven’t even met him!” I accuse, cracking a smile as I swallow back tears.
“But she nailed it,” Cass giggles. “Granted, he seems mad about most things.”
“He’s so hot and cold. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this.” I drop my face into my hands. “If he can’t own up to wanting me, he doesn’t deserve me.”
“That’s fucking true,” Ruby agrees. “But the heart wants what it wants, Lex.”
“And you think I want him?” I give her a sardonic look, even though she’s right.
“I think he’s sharp as hell and pushes you, and you fucking love that. And you want all three of them.” Cass smiles as I turn to her. “I’m sitting here cheering you on, because you deserve everything. Literally, Lex. Everything.”
A thoughtful smile tugs at my lips as I reach out a hand to Cass, gripping hers tightly. That I said almost the same thing to Declan before he walked out doesn’t escape me.
“She’s right.” Ruby arches a brow. “The question is, how are you going to go about getting what you deserve?”
Chapter 25