Page 84 of Succumbed

I look off to the side, studying the color and textile of the couch. Eye contact feels like too big an ask. “I didn’t realize how much you all do, or Miles. Hell, even Cami. And that was before Linc and Shane swept into my life.”

Sighing, I slouch deeper into my blanket. “And here I am, with so many people in my circle, and one confusing interaction with a brilliant, beautiful man who is as confusing as he is cunning has taken me offline. That’s what it feels like. Like his unwillingness to acknowledge or do anything about our growing tension has derailed my brain. And I don’t fucking know why I’m giving him that kind of power.”

Silence fills the room as I gulp my wine. After a moment, Ruby goes straight for the jugular.

“You’re not angry. You’re hurt.”

Frowning, I turn to her. “That’s not–”

“Whether or not you’ve realized it, you’re invested. Personally. And him keeping you at arm’s length is hurtful, especially when he crosses boundaries willy nilly then bolts.”

Her words strike a chord, and I mull over them. Of course I’m personally invested in Linc and Shane, it’s impossible not to be. Declan and I, on the other hand, hadn’t crossed any lines until he pressed his lips to mine and turned my world upside down. Absently, my fingers brush my lips at the memory, my chest squeezing.

If I’m honest with myself, I’m not the one who wants distance. He’s pushed me away at every opportunity ever since he walked out of my conference room. Do I want something more from Declan?

“You like him.”

Cass is studying me, her shrewd gaze breaking me apart like one of her interview subjects.

“He’s…fine.” And infuriating...gorgeous, frustrating, talented as fuck, exasperating. But, yeah, we’ll go with fine.

“You want the full set,” Ruby muses.

“Excuse you?” I sputter.

“Oh, come on. You wouldn’t be in your head like this if you weren’t interested. He’s more than a client to you, just like the other two are. You light up every time you talk about them or their business, Declan included.”

“Okaaaay, but there’s a big difference between being more than a client and being what Linc and Shane are to me.” He’d have to fucking talk to me about something other than Solum, for starters.

“And you want to bridge that distance. Think about it. What are you really upset about?” Ruby presses.

I frown. Admittedly, I’ve avoided examining my feelings too closely. Between work and the guys, it felt easier to shove it all to the back of my head and just keep moving forward. It’s almost jarring to realize I haven’t fully examined the cause of my negative feelings.

“Of course I want him to trust me.” The words are more stalling tactic than insight, and we all know it. “But there’s also a part of me that wonders…”

“What it would be like to finally let someone in for more than hot sex?” Cass blinks as I stare at her. “What? It’s literally my job to be insightful.”

“You’re usually less blunt about it than she is,” I protest, gesturing to Ruby.

“Whatever. Lex, is Cass right? Are you wanting something more?”

Was I? I shake my head. “I…I mean, no, I don’t think so.” I swallow. “We set ground rules. There’s an end date.”

A feeling of foreboding flares in my chest at the thought, but I lock it up.

“Do you want there to be?” Cass’s voice is tentative, gentle. “An end date, I mean.”

“Of course.”

Ruby tsks. “Don’t give your automatic answer, Lex. Sex may have been something you did to scratch an itch before, but we all know it’s a lot more than that with those two. You’re basically in a full-on polyamorous relationship. You have been for weeks.”

I blink. “They’ve never used that word.”

Both of them roll their eyes, but it’s Ruby who speaks. “Do you feel like you’re in a relationship?”

Sighing, I close my eyes and consider the question. I see Linc nearly every morning, and Shane drops by multiple times a week. Sometimes he brings me lunch, but there's been other things–an oversized water bottle, the blue light glasses, and even a ring light for my desk after I complained off-handedly about the lighting in my office.

Both of them text me daily, not only to coordinate plans to see one another, but also to simply check in. When something noteworthy happens at work, I want to share it with them before anyone else. And when they have breakthroughs at Solum, I usually get an eager video call before they send the details over to my team. Opening my eyes, I meet Ruby’s expectant gaze.