“Wait, so you’re saying traditional construction isn’t green?” Miles smirks, cocking one perfectly sculpted brow. “I’m shocked.”
It’s my turn to roll my eyes. “You asked.”
“As much as I love a lesson in green tech, why are we talking about the wicked bitch of the past?”
I take a long swallow of scotch. “The three men you put on my calendar are her former business partners.”
He chokes, sitting forward abruptly. “Excuse me? The business partners from the story? The ones who just sat there while she made a complete fool of herself and them?”
I chuckle and swirl the amber liquid in the glass. “The very same.”
“Fuck. Lex, I’m sorry. That whole thing happened before my time, but if I’d known, they’d never have gotten on your calendar–”
I wave him off. “It’s fine, Miles. Not your fault; you followed protocol. I just wasn’t prepared to see those particular faces waiting for me.”
His grin turns salacious. “Those particularly delicious faces, you mean?”
My eyebrow rises as I glare at him over my glass. I had neither patience nor time for his suggestive shenanigans.
“Oh, come on, Lex,” he chides. “Tell me you noticed how gorgeous they are? I can’t decide who is hotter: the sexy, sullen one with all the muscles, or the tall one with the shaved head and the piercing blue eyes.”
I snort internally at his spot-on description of Declan Wilde. Sullen, indeed. “Honestly, Miles, I didn’t notice.”
I wasn’t lying. Much. Yes, the arresting blue-eyed gaze of Shane Kelly caught my attention. And Declan’s imposing, brooding bulk. But the attitude should be a huge fucking turn off. Lincoln Wilde’s messy curls and warm brown eyes, though...
None of those things matter because I’m a fucking professional.
“I believe you.” His expression suggests he, in fact, does not believe me. Stop reading me so well, Miles. “Do I need to put them on the block list? Are they a waste of time?”
I shake my head. “No. They’re sending over some materials, then I’ll need to decide how to proceed.”
His look is long and incredulous. “How to proceed? Lex, honey. You proceed by telling them to fuck right off. Your calendar is full, six in the morning to six at night, every day for the next three months. I should know; I scheduled most of it.”
I hum in response as I click open my email inbox.
“Lex.” The barest hint of a whine creeps into Miles’s voice. “You’re not honestly considering taking them on. Hand them to Parker or another associate. Or something.”
Glancing up at my meddling assistant, I smirk. “Perhaps you should grab Van for me. I could use his opinion.”
Miles purses his lips. “Rude. I’ll grab Mr. Grumpypants, but I’m not sticking around for the verbal beating he’s sure to give me for simply existing.”
I snort. “I’m sure you won’t say anything inflammatory to him, either.”
“Me!?” He throws a hand up to his throat in mock horror, his eyes glinting. “I’d never.”
“Go,” I wave a hand. “Incite your drama. Just make sure he ends up here before my next meeting.”
Miles grins. “I’ll try to only rile him a little.”
“Good of you,” I murmur, already distracted by the unread messages filling my screen.
He scoffs as he saunters out. “No promises, boss!”
Shaking my head with a quiet chuckle, I focus on answering the highest priority emails awaiting me. Miles was harmless, and with the exception of one incident when he’d pushed Van too far, their playful rivalry both entertained and steadied the office. There was comfort in the banal routine of their back-and-forth, particularly in an industry as tumultuous as ours.
My mind wanders back to the shock of seeing the three men of Procerus–now Solum–in my conference room. Our first encounter three years ago was memorable for all the wrong reasons, but I’d somehow forgotten how they drew me in despite their former partner’s blunder.
They’d been quiet that day, had simply watched as Anne-Marie sealed their fate with a flourish and a thin smile. Hearing from Lincoln directly, seeing the passion and desire in his eyes, was something else. He was so earnest, his eyes warm and inviting as he made their presumptuous ask. And Shane? I shift in my chair as the memory of his deep, calming voice rolls over me. Even Declan, though he’d been little more than a silent, brooding shape in the back of the room, was striking.