Page 67 of Succumbed

Jax cocks a brow, then downs the last of his beer. “If Van can do it, you definitely can. You’re way more balanced than he is. Like, way more. Anyway, he’s never been happier. You deserve that.”

He tosses his beer bottle in the recycling bin, then kisses my cheek.

“Night, Lexi.”

“Night,” I mutter.

He smiles and ruffles my hair before I can duck. Squealing, I dance away as he laughs and lets himself out. As he closes the sliding door, I replay his words in my head. If Van can do it, you definitely can. The question is, do I want to?

Chapter 20


“Hi there, Mr. Kelly,” the receptionist at Athena greets. “Go on back.”

In the week since we went to Lex’s place, Linc and I only coaxed her away from everything else once. Declan glared as we left the house to meet her, jealousy and hurt warring in his gaze. Linc hadn’t noticed, though I knew there would be a confrontation at some point. Today is not that day.

“Thanks, Ruthie.” I toss her a small wave.

Ruthie, and most of Lex’s staff, have gotten used to my random visits over the last five weeks. As I walk toward Lex’s office, I nod at those who wave. Cami, who I met a few times during lunch drop offs, beams at me.

“Shane!” She pulls her trolley cart to a halt. “Miles mentioned you had her covered today.”

“Not as good as yours, I bet.”

She laughs. “I’m sure it’s delicious. She eats way more of your deliveries than mine. I’m just glad Lex’s got someone else looking out for her.”

I’m inordinately pleased to hear it. With a smile, I duck my head and continue on my way.

“Shane! Thank goodness you’re here.” Miles rushes over, cheeks pink. “I’ve cleared her calendar for ninety minutes today. It’s been a doozy.”

My brow furrows. “Everything okay?”

He waves his hands around. “It’s fine. We’re fine. Everything’s fine.”

“Right,” I drawl.

Rolling his eyes, he thrusts a hand toward Lex’s door in clear demand. I’m all too happy to oblige, letting myself in with a soft knock.

Her office is bright and open, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a comfortable seating area in neutral colors with jewel tone accents. Lex sits at her desk, eyes intent on the screen. She’s turned toward me, as though she knows someone’s here but can’t tear her eyes away from her work.

“Miles said it’s been a day,” I say as I pull the door closed.

At the sound of my voice, her gaze jerks to mine. “Shane.”

She says my name like a prayer, like all she needed in that moment was for me to appear. My lips quirk up as she relaxes into her chair for a moment, then springs to her feet and walks over to me.

“Am I happy to see you.” She slides her arms around my neck and draws me to her, pressing her lips to mine.

I sweep one arm around her, crushing her to me, as I devour her mouth. Her lips part and I push my tongue past them, stroking hers, deepening the kiss. She stretches up on her tiptoes and matches my passion, her lips soft and unyielding.

When we part, she sighs happily and looks up at me through her lashes. “How did you know I needed you today?”

My heart squeezes at the idea of being the perfect cure for her neediness. “Linc mentioned you worked late again last night.”

She leans away, eyes wide. “I’m sorry, what? Since when does Linc report on me?”

I cock a brow at her. “Did you work late and have crackers for dinner last night?”