Page 41 of Succumbed

I frown at them both, wondering when Shane joined the conversation. “Not exactly…”

Shane’s blue eyes meet mine. “Are you vegetarian? Any allergies?”

Blinking, I shake my head. “No, and no. Why?”

“I’m making dinner. Should be fifteen minutes or so.” He looks up at Linc. “Want to head into the living room with some wine?”

“Yeah, sounds great.”

Linc jumps up and goes to the kitchen while I look helplessly between the three men. Declan just scrubs a hand over his face.

“What’s happening?”

He sighs heavily, rising to his feet. “You’re staying for dinner, apparently.”

Casting him a sideways glance, I set my bag back on the table. “Does this happen often?”

His green eyes meet mine. “Does what happen often?”

I gesture at Shane and Linc in the kitchen. Declan chuckles, the sound low and rasping. It reverberates through me, and I resist the urge to step closer.

“If you’re asking if they make dinner for random people, the answer is no.” He turns away, then pauses and looks over his shoulder. “Then again, you’re the first random person we’ve had in this house in the last four years.”

“That’s either an insult or a compliment. Maybe both.”

Something like amusement flashes in his eyes. “I’ll leave that interpretation up to you, boss.”

My laugh breaks free at the nickname, and his gaze lights up again. There’s a pause in the noise from the kitchen, and I look over to find Linc and Shane’s eyes on me. When I turn back to Declan, his expression is thoughtful.

“I don’t know what I've done to earn that title, but if you’re willing to give me a nickname…” I grin, “I’ll take it.”

Linc whoops his support while Shane smiles before turning back to whatever he’s making. Declan’s lips twitch, teasing me with the possibility of a smile. He clears his throat, green eyes locked on mine.

“I know I’m not the easiest client,” he says quietly, catching me off guard. “I’m still wary after what Anne-Marie put us through. But I…I want you to know I appreciate your team. And you.” He looks away, that low, rough sound rumbling through him once more. “To be honest, Lex, I respect the hell out of you. I have for years. I’ve been shit at showing it, but it’s the truth.”

My lips part as I blink at him, stunned by the confession. “Declan, I…”

He holds up a hand. “No, please. Let me slink away with some shred of dignity intact, yeah?”

Swallowing, I nod. The moment stretches between us, and I smirk.

“Don’t go soft on me now, Wilde. It’s not every day I meet a man willing to challenge me at every turn.”

Amusement flashes in his eyes as he dips his chin, then steps back.

“Come on, Lex. I’ve got wine and snacks.” Linc lifts a tray laden with chips, veggies, and hummus and tips his head toward the living room.

Glancing at Declan, I smile and tilt my head, inviting him to follow me after his brother. With the slightest motion of his head, he denies my offer, glances at his brother and friend, then turns to walk down the hall.

“Don’t mind him. He’s going to work out his tension in the basement,” Linc explains.

I can’t tell if he heard Declan’s confession or not, so I respect his brother’s ask for dignity and try to recenter myself.

“Do you have a gym down there?” I manage, glancing at the hall one last time.

He chuckles. “No, that would be far too normal for my brother. The basement was a mess when we moved in, so he’s remodeling it.”

“Oh, wow. Basements are rare around here. Is it a walkout?”