I know our time with Lex is temporary, she’s been clear on that, but if we can learn enough from her and her team, we’ll be able to tackle any future challenge. Though we’ll never unlock our potential while Dec has his head in the sand. Or up his ass.
“That hole wasn’t there yesterday,” I observe, walking to stand next to my friend.
He’s facing a section of drywall with a suspiciously fist-sized hole punched straight through. His only response is a grunt.
“You want to tell me why punching walls felt like a good idea?”
“Come again?”
He glances my way, his expression pinched. “I punched one wall. Not walls.”
“Right,” I drawl. “Apologies. You want to tell me why punching this one singular wall felt like a good idea?”
“I just can’t believe he’s being so stupid, Shane.”
“That’s an uncharacteristically harsh assessment.”
He casts me a side-eyed glare. “I disagree.”
“You have every right to disagree. Doesn’t mean you’re correct.”
He grumbles in frustration, then picks up a tape measure and holds it up to the hole. “I’m concerned about the business and the negative impact she could have. The closer Linc gets, the more risk we’re exposed to. We all let Anne-Marie in, and look how that turned out.”
He can claim it’s all about the business, but I have my doubts. Strong ones.
“Lex owns the top VC in the Bay, Declan. Maybe the country. You think she got there by hosing her clients?”
“No, I–”
“Then help me understand. What on earth would she gain from pulling one over on us?”
He scowls at the hole in the wall, stubbornly refusing to meet my gaze.
“And,” I continue, “if she wanted to take us down, she could’ve shown us the door like she did three years ago. It’s to our benefit she offered us a deal.”
“I know.”
“So what’s the rub, really?”
“I don’t know, Shane,” he says, sarcastic exaggeration ripe in his tone, “but the thought of them together is like nails on a chalkboard.”
There it is. “Sounds like jealousy.”
Dec’s jaw clenches. “Fuck off, Shane.”
I shrug. “I get it, man. She’s intelligent, kind, gorgeous. I’ve got my own green-eyed monster to deal with over the whole thing.”
If Linc and Lex want to have a little something on the side, I won't begrudge either of them. Lincoln deserves something good, and my gut tells me Lex does, too. But it would be a lie to say I don’t want an invite to their exclusive little party. Fuck, we’d be hot together.
“That’s ridiculous. Jealousy is not what’s going on for me.”
“Sure, Dec.”
“It’s not.”
“I’m not arguing.”