Page 34 of Succumbed

They both remain silent, waiting me out. I’ve really gotta stop teaching my tricks to the people around me.

“So, Linc might have…showed up on my doorstep again.”

“I knew it,” Ruby says under her breath while Cass shouts “ah ha!”

“At four the next morning, to be precise.”

I peek over to see Cass’s mouth hanging open in surprise.

“And,” I continue, bowing my head for a moment, “he’s been showing up at four every day since.”

“Excuse me?!” Cass screeches. “Objection! You buried the lead!”

“This isn’t court and you’re not a lawyer!” I laugh.

“You told him that’s when you run, didn’t you?”

I nod at Ruby. We’ve known each other for so long, I’m used to her uncanny ability to see straight through the people she loves. It isn’t unusual for her to know what’s bothering me before I do.

“He took me for a walk after my last meeting with him and his partners and it got dark. I mentioned I was used to it, and he’s been joining me on my runs ever since.”

“No hanky panky?” Cass pouts.

I can understand why she sees it as a letdown, but I’m honestly impressed Linc can keep it above board. Makes it that much easier to trust him.

“Only a kiss, admittedly a hot one.” I roll my shoulders. “It’s been…lovely. Neither of us are morning people, so we don’t talk much. But having someone who’s just…there…I don’t know. It’s been nice.”

Cass and Ruby exchange another glance.

“Stop it,” I say, knowing exactly what those long looks mean.

The two of them had staged more than one “find Lex a relationship” intervention in the last few years, and I wasn’t interested in another. As much as they mean well, my patience for all things white-picket-fence is non-existent. At the end of the day, some people aren’t cut out for marriage and kids, and that’s their prerogative. It’s me. I’m some people.

“I don’t want to hear it,” I reiterate. “He’s a client, and, like you both said, we’re consenting adults. I have zero expectations, and I’m just going to enjoy the next three months for what they are. That’s the end of it.”

“Of course it is,” Cass quips.

“Whatever you say,” Ruby drawls.

Yeah, yeah. I’m not entirely sure I believe me, either. It feels like I should focus on finishing our workout, so I drop my head and stretch out my legs. Relationships and trust aren’t my thing, and I’m not looking to change that anytime soon. My life revolves around my business and the few people I’ve chosen as family, because goodness knows my worthless blood relatives are either antagonistic or absent on their best days.

The thing with Linc, whatever it is, is temporary. And the little voice in my head suggesting I’m full of shit can fuck right off.

Chapter 11


“Linc, what’s up with the early morning runs this week?” I ask.

Declan glances over at me, then to his brother. We sit at the kitchen table scarfing breakfast before heading over to Solum for the day. Linc swallows his bite of cereal slowly, eyes darting first to Dec then back to me.

“Just trying something new.”

Someone new, more like. “Who is she?” I press.

He chokes on his bite, thumping his chest with a fist as he coughs. Dec tosses me a wry smile and shakes his head, amused. Not sure how long you’ll be entertained, friend. I have a feeling I know who it is, and Dec won’t be thrilled.

“She who?” Linc coughs.