I clap along with the crowd as Preston takes the stage to announce the nominees for the Brightest, which includes Solum and four other startups. My eyes dart to the guys, who stand in a tight group across the space. We managed to avoid each other most of the night, the anticipation making me more anxious for things to wrap up.
Flashing her winning smile to the crowd, Preston rips open the gold envelope.
“I’m delighted to announce this year’s Brightest in the Bay, fresh off their spectacular debut at the Green Innovation Summit in Paris–Solum Technologies!”
The audience roars with applause and cheers as the guys embrace and Linc claps his brother’s shoulder. Declan grins back at him, such joy in his expression I can’t help but smile in return.
“Accepting on behalf of his business partners, Lincoln Wilde and Shane Kelly, is CEO and founder Declan Wilde!”
Preston grasps Declan’s hand for a firm shake, his eyebrows rising slightly as she passes him the award. He walks up to the podium with his eyes on the engraved glass, a broad smile on his face. He sits it carefully on the edge and chuckles, shaking his head.
“It’s an honor to be here,” he says, looking out at the audience. “If you’d asked me four months ago if I could see myself here, I would’ve scoffed in your face.”
Gentle laughter sweeps through the crowd.
“Our road here was rocky. It was paved with betrayal and challenges, some out of our control, and more than I want to admit my own damn fault.” He glances down at the podium, voice raw. “As I stand here tonight, I feel compelled to confess.”
The crowd is quiet, rapt. Something flutters in my gut, my heart rate picking up.
“I didn’t win this,” Declan proclaims, raising the award in one hand.
What the hell? My brows knit in confusion. I try to seek out Linc and Shane, but their attention is glued on Declan.
“This award, and the successes that brought Solum here, are all owed to one person. A beautiful, brilliant, talented woman with endless patience and a will so strong she could carry this entire community on her shoulders.” He chuckles, cocking his head. “If I’m not mistaken, she has.”
My heart is in my throat, my hand trembling as I touch my fingers to my lips. Declan’s eyes snap to mine across the crowd, as though acutely aware of where I am.
“Lex Livingston, this award belongs to you. You saw what no one else could, believed in three bumbling idiots–”
He smirks at the soft gasps and chuckles from the crowd, then continues.
“You believed in us based on nothing more than your intuition and commitment to doing what’s right. I punished you for your belief for months. Because I was afraid.”
Declan stares into my soul. People are glancing between us, whispering to their neighbors. I’m vaguely aware of Van drawing closer, Cami at his side. He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, but I can’t look away from the man on the stage.
“You okay?” Van mutters.
“I don’t know,” I whisper, reaching up to grip his fingers in mine.
“I told myself I was afraid to trust someone else, afraid to risk being betrayed all over again. But I’ve recently realized it was another lie I told in a misguided attempt to protect myself.” Declan pauses, breathing deeply.
“Oh, I was afraid of you, alright. I was afraid of how you could see straight through me. How you challenged me, forced me to confront every flaw I knew and hated. It took far too long for me to recognize you were coaching me, driving me, helping me overcome things I thought would always hold me back.”
Declan’s voice goes hoarse. “While I was too busy lying to myself, you were daring me to dream bigger than I ever thought possible. And making sure every goddamn one came true.”
My breath stutters as I try to control it, chest constricting with the weight of my emotions. Van steps away, Linc and Shane surrounding me in his stead, anchoring me with a hand each to my hip and shoulder.
“And the best part? I could see how it wasn’t just me you were pushing to be more…it wasn’t just my dreams you cared about.You’ve had the same effect on all three of us from the beginning. We’re sharper businessmen, better engineers, more conscious community members because of you.”
The first tear spills over, sliding down my cheek. Linc and Shane shuffle closer, bodies touching mine on either side as I grip Shane’s hand at my hip and Linc’s on my shoulder.
“You make me want to be a better man, Lex. I can’t imagine living my life without you, let alone running Solum without your counsel. Every opportunity you had to claim ownership of our success, you turned right back on us. I won’t let you do it tonight.”
Declan tears his eyes from mine and I feel the loss like a physical ache. My knees go wobbly, Shane’s arm around me tightening to hold me up.
Declan gazes out at the audience. “I don’t think any of you will disagree. No offense to the well-deserving startups recognized tonight, but no one shines brighter in the Bay than Lex Livingston.”
The applause is thunderous, cheers sounding across my expansive yard. Smiling faces turn to me as I dab at the tear tracks on my cheeks, laughing in disbelief.