Page 152 of Succumbed

My brother jabs his fist in the air. Shane chuckles, shaking his head.

“You better grovel, brother,” my best friend warns.

“Oh, I will,” I answer absently, mind whirring.

If Lex is willing to lay it all on the line, who am I to deny her? As though he can hear my internal dialogue, Shane smirks.

“It’s time to stop fighting the inevitable, Wilde. Go get our fucking queen.”

Chapter 45


“Got a minute?”

My head snaps up to find Declan standing in my office doorway in a dark green suit, crisp white shirt open at the collar. Holy shit, he looks good. Lips parting, I move to stand. He raises a hand to stop me as I grapple with the fact that he’s within reach for the first time in weeks.

“Please, sit. I’ll only be a minute.” He glances back as he steps in and closes the door. “Miles said he’d throw me out if I made you late for your next meeting, anyway.”

I stare up at him, brows drawn, then give myself a little shake. Focus. “Declan. This is a surprise.”

He grips the back of his neck. “Yeah. I’ve been…well, I had some shit to figure out. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA.”

Leaning back in my chair, I study him. “Did you figure it out?”


“The shit. You figure it out yet, Declan?”

He straightens at the hard edge in my tone, broad shoulders squaring. “It took me longer than it should have, but yes. I did.”

Silence settles between us. My eyes dart to the slim black object in his hand, then back to his face. He glances down, then reaches out and places the picture frame on my desk, facing me.

My breath catches as I pull it closer, cradling the frame in my hands. It’s a photo from Paris, one he took from the back of our tandem bike. I was laughing as I looked over my shoulder at him, Linc and Shane in the background as they rode in front of us. We were all grinning, cheeks tinged pink from the cool breeze. My fingertips hover over the glass as I huff a soft laugh, emotion clogging my throat as memories rush to the surface. I didn’t know I could be so happy.

“I’ve caught myself getting my phone out to stare at that photo every day for the last three weeks,” Declan murmurs.

“I can see why.” I clear my throat, sniffing.

He moves around my desk to crouch next to me. I frown, setting the frame down to stand and take us both over to the couch, but he seizes my hands as I start to rise. Electricity crackles through me at the touch, my whole body stilling at the force of the reaction.

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, Lex.” He speaks earnestly, a small wrinkle appearing between his eyebrows. “None of them hold a candle to how I fucked up on that plane.”

I tighten my grip on his fingers, exhaling softly. It feels as though I’ve been waiting a lifetime to hear his truth, and it only feels right to give him mine.

“It tore me in half to go to bed alone that night in Paris, you know. I had to psych myself up all morning to try and keep my composure.”

His eyes fall shut as he leans his forehead on our joined hands, his voice rough. “I came back to your room to find Shane escorting Linc out. The look on his face…”

My chest constricts as Linc’s look of hurt fills my mind’s eye. “I wasn’t trying to hurt him, or you. What we shared…Declan, it was so intense. I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to another person, but with the three of you…” I swallow, my throat dry and eyes burning. “I was overwhelmed, and I fell back on my rules to protect myself.”

He raises his head, gaze darkening as he sees the tears welling. “When you acted like nothing had changed…Lex, I was devastated. And so confused.”

Oh god, this man. I’m desperate to soothe him, want nothing more than to ease the ache and hurt he finally lets me see.

“I’m so sorry, Declan.” I tighten my fingers again, silently begging him to believe me. “The last thing I ever want to do is hurt any of you.”

Blinking away his own emotion, Declan clears his throat. “Thank you, Lex. I know…I know giving you a photo doesn’t make up for the awful things I said, for the boundaries I crossed.”