Page 147 of Succumbed

He smiles, head ducking. “I told you I’ve done a lot of thinking.”

“Seems like you have,” I mutter, studying his face. “What can I help with?”

“I want to suggest the State contract with Solum instead of Greenstar.”

“How does Greenstar feel about that?”

Nate chuckles wryly. “They weren’t thrilled, but they also didn’t have a better answer. We had a third party run some tests, and the results…well, they weren’t what we’d been promised.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.”

He smirks. “Are you?”

I shrug one shoulder. “I’m thrilled you ran more tests. It’s disappointing when an investment fails, though. I know that pain and I’m sorry you’re experiencing it.”

He watches me, eyes searching mine. “Father has no idea who you really are, does he?”

“You know the answer to that, Nate,” I whisper.

“He’s a fool.”

I nod. “So I’ve said.”

“You have. I might finally be ready to listen.”

Humming, and not ready to go down that path, I adjust in my chair. “You mentioned needing advice.”

“Yes, right. Maybe I can schedule time with your lovely assistant,” he smirks at the door, “to get into those details.”

“Sure, Nate. Happy to help.”

“You might be pleased to know Anne-Marie has lost her position with Greenstar.”

I chuckle. “Far be it for me to wish for someone’s career to go up in flames. But if I was ever going to put a target on someone’s back, it would’ve been hers.”

“It would’ve been a well-deserved target. The woman is insufferable and crossed several lines in her attempt to salvage her career.”

A frown tugs at my lips. “Maybe I’m too harsh, but I would hope there’s nothing left to salvage.”

Nate’s gray eyes twinkle. “You’ve always been a little cutthroat when someone wrongs your people, Lex. It’s served you well. And, in this case, she’s honestly getting off easy. Your guys could sue, especially after all the shit she tried to say in the press after Paris.”

After we landed in the Bay and I buried myself in work to escape my emotions, several reporters had reached out for commentary on a wild story Anne-Marie concocted to save her reputation. It took little more than a few targeted phone calls to kill the headline before it saw the light of day.

My chuckle is dark. “I probably took too much pleasure in refuting her claims. But when the only publication willing to run your story is a tabloid…well, that’s statement enough, isn’t it?”

We laugh, and for the first time in decades, I think it might be possible to know my brother as more than a passing acquaintance or business rival.

“You looked happy in Paris, Lex. It seemed like more than just the Summit.”

“Bold of you to assume you have the right to gauge my happiness,” I tease.

He chuckles. “Fair.”

“You’re right this time, though. I was very happy in Paris.” I smile, glancing down at my hands as my thoughts turn to Linc and Shane, even the possibility of Declan. “I’m happier now.”

Nate’s grin lights the room. “I’m glad. You deserve happiness.”

“Took me a while to realize that, you know. After everything.”