Linc’s eyes fly to mine, his hand shooting out toward me. His face crumples when I draw away. I’m desperate for his touch, his comfort, but I know I’ll fall apart if I give in to him.
“Or is it just about the business now? You had your fun for the last three months, but hey! Time’s up. You have rules, right?”
“Dec, stop,” Linc snaps, eyes on me.
“No. Do I need to get you naked and kneeling, baby?” Declan spits the pet name out like a curse, and I flinch.
“That’s enough.” Shane surges to his feet, tension racking his body as he leans over the table.
“Please,” I gasp.
My blood is rushing in my ears so hard I don’t know what I sound like, but it makes an impression. All three of them freeze, turning to me in unison. I lift my eyes from the table, taking in Linc’s haunted expression as I do. Shane is a vague shape to my left, body still strung taut. Declan’s brow falls, his lips tugging into a frown as his mouth opens, then closes.
“To borrow Shane’s phrase, I think we all need to take a beat.” My voice sounds hollow, tinny. I don’t sound like me.
It’s as though I’m watching the scene happen from the sidelines. I rise slowly, Linc and Declan scrambling to their feet as I step out of my seat and turn to address them all with a detached look.
“Thank you for this week, gentlemen, I…I don’t have the words to express what it meant to me.”
“Lex…” Linc looks like he wants to reach for me again.
I can’t decide if I’m pleased or devastated when he restrains himself.
“I meant it when I said you and Solum have a bright future. I’m proud Athena will be part of it.”
“Lex, I didn’t–” Declan starts, his eyes filling with regret.
“Doesn’t matter, Declan.” The thinnest smile crosses my lips. “It’s clear nothing productive can come of this conversation. I’ll go back to the bedroom so you all can have some privacy. We’ll connect soon when we’re back in the Bay, I’m sure.”
I’m trembling when I turn and walk away. My body sways, my hip catching the seat behind Linc’s as I shakily make my way toward the back of the plane. I can feel someone’s eyes burning into me as I go, maybe all of them, but something tells me it’s Shane. He’d been too silent, too still. Oh god, what happens now?
Shoving the thought from my mind, I slip into the small bedroom and slide the door closed, locking it gently. The soft click feels final somehow, as though I’m closing the door on something more than just a room. As I sag against the door, a soft sob works its way up my throat.
Holding my phone unsteadily, I pull up the messages app.
Me: everything’s fucked
The reply is quick. Thank god. They must still be out.
Roo: whatever happened, it’s not
Cass: we’ll meet you at the airport
Me: bring wine
Me: maybe vodka
Cass: oh shit
Roo: Lex, nothing is fucked
Roo: deep breaths, yeah?
Roo: you’re safe
Cass: you are safe, yes?
Declan’s angry scowl and bitter words fill my head, the memory of my fear a sour taste in the back of my throat. I’m not scared for my safety, though.