“That makes you weak. Holding that weapon on me, that makes you weak, too.”
“Does it?”
“Have you got the balls, Dallas?” Renee slipped out of her heels. “Let’s really see who’s in charge here.”
“Are you serious?” Of all the responses, this was the last Eve expected. A shiny bubble of sheer joy rose up in her. “You want to dance with me?”
“Weak. And a coward.”
“Ow, insults. Sting. What the hell. I really want this, too.” Eve set her weapon down, shrugged off her jacket.
As she circled the desk, Renee lowered into a fighting stance.
“Hey.” Eve cocked her head, pointed. “Did you take lessons?”
“Since I was five. You’re going to bleed.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
She took her stance, and they circled each other. She let Renee come at her, blocked the kick, the follow-up, the backhand.
There was power there, she judged, and style, and skill. Renee wouldn’t go down easy; she wouldn’t go down quickly.
So much the better.
She kicked Renee’s fist aside, came in with a hard jab, had it repelled. And took a mid-body blow that burned her belly. The next kick caught her shoulder, zipped pain down her arm. She went with it, used the momentum in her spin, slammed her boot into Renee’s chest with a force that knocked her opponent back into a chair and down.
Fists ready, Eve leaped forward, but Renee jumped up, slammed a kick into Eve’s knee that shot her feet out from under her. She tasted blood now, told herself it woke her up, and when Renee poised to stomp her injured knee, Eve swept out her leg.
This time when her opponent fell there was a satisfying crunch as the table under her collapsed.
They both sprang to their feet, and at each other.
Now it was something like jubilation that shot up Eve’s arm as her fist rammed Renee’s face, and her blood drummed to the cry of pain and rage. She took a blow to her own face, one that had stars exploding in front of her eyes. Flying on them, she twisted, came in low to ram her elbow into Renee’s belly, jerked up her forearm to plant a backfist on Renee’s chin.
“You’re bleeding, bitch,” Eve told her, and caught Renee’s foot on the kick, shoved back.
Renee dropped, rolled, scissored her legs up, beat a double kick to Eve’s hip before gaining her feet.
Bloodlust. Eve felt it pulsing and pumping through her, all primal fury that was somehow a kind of twisted pleasure. Circling, spinning, a blow landed, another taken. Sweat stung her eyes, dripped down her back—and she saw it mixing with the blood smeared on Renee’s face.
Eve knew they were in the same place now, a place where winning was all and the taste of blood lay sweet on the tongue. A place, she knew, where that taste stirred a craving for more.
She told herself to end it, to step back over the line.
“You’re done,” she said. “This is done.”
“I say when it’s done!” Renee launched at her; Eve pivoted to meet the attack. They hit the door like a cannonball and spilled into the squad room in an intimate tangle of violence. They rolled, jabbing fists, hit the side of a desk with a crack like thunder.
Eve stopped the thumb aiming for her eye by gripping Renee’s wrist, twisting it. On a cry of pain, Renee grabbed Eve’s hair, nails gouging scalp, and yanked viciously.
More stars exploded in a field red as blood.
“Fuck me! Hair pulling? That’s it!” She wrenched Renee’s wrist back, reveled in the screech—and with her scalp screaming flipped Renee onto her back. “Pussy.” She balled her fist, drove it once, twice into Renee’s face, reared back for a third, but pulled up short when the grip on her hair dissolved, when the eyes staring into hers went glassy.
“I say when it’s done.” Eve swiped blood from her mouth. “And it’s done. Jesus Christ, it’s done.” She rolled off, sat on the floor, tried to slow the air wheezing into her burning lungs. “Peabody!”
“Sir!” Peabody stepped forward from the crowd of cops—and a particular civilian—who’d already moved into the squad room.