“Yeah, I’d rather wait. This is a lot to lift.” Misery on her face, Lilah pressed a hand to her belly. “He’s got the new baby. It could hold, maybe, until you get that serious weight.”
“Use your best judgment,” Eve told her. “When I’m sure we’ve got that weight, I’ll be notifying IAB.”
“Ah, shit.”
“They’re going to want to talk to you.”
Lilah closed her eyes, nodded. “I’ve wanted to be a cop since I was a kid. My brother . . .” She opened her eyes again. “I guess you’ve read my file, so you know.”
“I wanted this, and I worked for this. I wanted to do something—to maybe do something so somebody’s mother didn’t get her heart broken, somebody’s sister wouldn’t ask herself, again and again, if she could’ve done more, if she could’ve stopped it, saved him.”
Lilah’s eyes took on a fierceness that reminded Eve of Mrs. Ochi.
“Every time I pick up my badge, that’s why. Even if I don’t think about it, it’s why.”
“The why’s a big part of making us the kind of cops we end up being.”
“Maybe.” Lilah blew out a breath. “This isn’t what I signed on for, Lieutenant. Sitting on my ass in a dirty squad isn’t what I signed up for.”
“She’s exploiting somebody’s mother, somebody’s sister, somebody’s brother every time she takes—the junk, the money—every time she makes a deal. I can promise you, Detective, she thinks about what she’s going to cash in every fucking time she picks up her badge.”
“If I can help you take her down, and the rest of them with her, I will.”
“I’m asking you to be my eyes and ears inside. Watch, listen.” Eve took out a card. “If you need or want to contact me, use a disposable or a public ’link. No point taking chances. My personal number’s on there.”
“Lieutenant?” Lilah said as Eve opened the door. “I knew—some of it anyway. I knew in my gut, but I didn’t do anything.”
“Now you are,” Eve said simply, and closed the door.
Pleased with the progress, Eve took a zigzagging route home, watching for shadows. No one followed her, but as she approached the gate, she realized someone was waiting for her.
The car flashed across the road, directly in her path, and angled broadside to block the gates as she hit the brakes.
Fury came first, but she engaged her recorder as she watched Garnet slam out of the driver’s side.
No one with him, she noted, using her cams to be sure no other vehicles made any move to corner her. She’d be damned if she’d be trapped at the gates to her own home. Her own normal.
Garnet wanted another confrontation? she thought. It might prove interesting.
She slammed out of her own vehicle.
“You don’t come to my house, Garnet. Do yourself a favor. Move your vehicle and keep going.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can come into my squad and push me around? You think you can set IAB on me?”
So Webster let him have a sniff, Eve thought. Fuel to the fire she’d built.
“I think I’m your superior.” She said it coolly, braced to defend against what she saw wasn’t just a ride on temper, but a little chemical help to amp the speed.
“You’re nothing. Anybody can marry money and use it for the climb. You’re just another whore with a badge.”
“I still outrank you, Garnet. And you’re about to double that thirty-day rip.”
“Nobody here but you and me, bitch.” He gave her a taunting little shove, both hands to her shoulders. “You’re going to find out rank doesn’t mean dick.”
“Touch me again, Garnet.” She knew she was baiting him now. She wanted to. “Put hands on me again, and you lose your badge for good. You’ve been using. You’ve confronted, threatened, and assaulted a superior officer—again. Get in your vehicle and drive away, or I take you all the way down.”