I love Savin regardless of if this works or not but to see him go through a day without clenching his teeth or having to pause to take a breath? I want that. I want a future that includes a painless existence.
“Mac, this isn’t a miracle drug. It’s an injection that has to be taken regularly to work and you might not see results right away. As an experimental drug, it’s also highly likely to see negative side effects that may outweigh the pros. I’ll order a prescription and get it sent to the nearest pharmacy that has it in stock. We’ll try a two-week dose and go from there. I shouldn’t even be doing this but I’ve known you too long to see you all continually suffer. There, ordered. You’ll get a confirmation when it’s ready.”
Opting in for pharmacy delivery is a godsend because I don’t want to leave my mates for a second. Bailey has sent me a list of directions on how to use the new medication— Ometreotide, including what to eat with it, symptoms to watch for, and that he should be sent to the emergency room if he passes out again. The worst part is that if it works, it's a lifelong medication. The effects we're trying to curb will come back in full force if the medication lapses. It truly is a last resort—especially since Ometreotide is usually used in gene therapy, not for whatever complications Savin has.
I’ve checked in on them several times, Ellie looking up at me with tears in her eyes. She’s terrified—that’s easy to see but she’s taking such great care of Savin that I merely enter to kiss her forehead. Ellie leans into my touch, both of us needing the reminder that we have each other.
“I texted my sister,” Ellie says sleepily. “I… she’s everything to me and I needed…”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“She’s on her way. With food. She also said she wanted to talk to you.”
I raise an eyebrow, confused, and then smile. Ellie is returning the same favor. I brought Camila into this house to ease Ellie’s worries and now she’s offering her sister as comfort, comfort from another Alpha who can understand. What I ever did to deserve these precious individuals, I have no idea. “Rest a little longer and if you’re up for it, then we can talk.” My gaze falls on Savin who relaxes a little when I caress his cheek, the Omega mouthing ‘Alpha’.
My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I assume that’s the delivery I’ve been waiting for.
It is in fact the delivery and then Carleen walking up behind the poor boy with a worried expression plastered on her face and a bag of food that looks like it could feed an army. “You look like shit, Macon and I’m not saying that lightly,” she says as she steps inside and heads straight to the kitchen. The bag is placed on the counter and then she turns to me, her expression much softer than her words. “How are you holding up?”
I’m taken aback by her question because I know Ellie would have clued her in on what’s going on. That she would ask about me rather than her sister or Savin confuses me. “They’re fine right now. I was going to bring them some food and-”
Carleen snorts, shaking her head. “Macon, hold on a minute. I know how they are. Ellie has been giving me a play-by-play. She’s suffering just as Savin is but in a different way. I didn’t ask how they were, though. I want to know about you. There are three of you in this relationship and you’re family now. So, yes, I want to know about you. Us Alphas are told that we can’t break down, that our fierce exteriors are the only thing allowed in public. But guess what? We’re human too. We have emotions. We laugh. We cry. We hurt. Now, how are you?”
“Could be better. It hurts watching Savin, even more because I can’t do anything. I’m hoping that a few things I’m about to try will help.” I manage a small smile beneath her fierce stare. Her and Ellie truly are peas in a pod.
“That’s all I can ask for. You need someone to talk to, you’ve gained yourself a sister. I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be here with Savin in heat so I’m going to leave. Make sure they eat and that you do as well. Your health is just as important as theirs, both body and mind.” She steps up to me and pats my chest. “I’m just a phone call away if you need it.”
“Why are you so-”
“Because as cheesy as it sounds, family doesn’t get left behind. Ellie isn’t just my sister. She’s one of my best friends, which makes her mates family. My parents would do the same if Ellie was ready to tell them about this. She will be, soon. However, I’ll be at her side regardless of what happens.” Carleen leaves me with those words, giving me a new insight into the way I perceive myself fitting in with my pack.
Trying to be strong all the time hasn’t helped us. Between Bailey and Carleen, I’ve definitely been given a new way to think about things.
I dig into the bag left on the counter, smiling at the cucumber sandwiches on one side, ham and roast beef on the other, and a few pints of that god-awful ice cream that Savin and Ellie enjoy. I make sure to hide them deep in the freezer before grabbing a few sandwiches and the new medicine, before marching down the hall to my mates.
I don’t expect to find Savin sitting up, an ice pack pressed against his stomach, an arm curled around Ellie’s shoulders as he sups from her lips. She’s wrapped up in a heavy blanket, resting against his side, her eyes closed as she lets Savin take what he needs. My presence steals their attention, both of them mumbling ‘Alpha’ as I strip down to my boxers and sit across from them.
Ellie sits up a little more, Savin leaning forward slightly. He sways a little and then settles, his skin a warmer tone than it had been when I brought him in here. “Let’s get some food in you and then more sleep. You both look like you could use it.”
Ellie frowns, staring at the sandwiches in my hands. “Did my sister say anything to you?”
“Exactly what I need to hear. Now-”
“You wanted to talk,” she cuts me off as she reaches for the breaded cucumber delight. “We’re both awake and continuing to put it off is only going to make all this more difficult to navigate.” Ellie chews slowly, waiting for Savin to agree with her, which he does. I wasn’t expecting them to be so awake.
Savin pats my leg softly, the tremble of his hand more than noticeable. “Anything not to focus on the pain. Hand me a sandwich, please.”
I do as he asks, waiting until he finishes at least half before speaking again. “I have something that might help, Savin but I want to bring this to both of you.” I slowly unveil the small box with the four injections, meeting Savin’s gaze. “I called Bailey and she mentioned a new prescription that might help.”
My Omega stares at it for several seconds. “The pain? It would… the pain would go away?” The bout of happiness that spreads across his features worries me. Bailey said it wasn’t a miracle drug but goddess I need it to be.
Chapter forty-three
I stare at the small box in my trembling hands, rereading the directions several times as Macon explains the side effects and what I’ll no longer be allowed to do on the Ometreotide. What it will take away from me. But there’s only one thing I can hear from his lips. No pain. To live a day without any pain? That’s what this is promising me? I try to listen. I truly do but if Bailey believes this could help, I’m not just going to sit here.
Especially not after this last wave of pain.