Chapter twenty-one
I rush to turn on the faucet before throwing the toilet seat open to hack out my guts. I’m not even sure how I lasted this long without throwing up but it feels like my belly has been doing little flips ever since I stepped into Savin’s nest. I slump to the floor, my hand resting on my lower belly as my eyes flutter close. I haven’t truly touched it in the last few days, trying to ignore it but it feels hard, firm beneath my hand.
“Ellie? I’m going to leave everything out here. We’ll be in the kitchen.”
Goddess, did he hear me throwing up? I don’t have time to dwell on that as I strip and shower, relishing the warmth that the steam brings. Fifteen minutes later, my tangled curls pinned on top of my head, I’m entering the kitchen in Savin’s clothes that are just a little too big for me. I’ve definitely bitten off more than I can chew.
Macon sends me a warm smile from where he’s perched on the barstool, Savin busying himself with the microwave before launching himself at my side. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Me? Fine. Shouldn’t I be asking you? Are you even in heat? I’m so confused.” I sniff at the air and frown when his perfume is back to the soft berries and cream I first scented. Still delicious, still makes me horny as fuck, but I don’t want to jump his bones like I did in the bathroom.
Savin shrugs. “It’s different for me. Comes and goes. We have a few leftovers or we can do takeout. Our chef is really good though.” The way he dismisses the original conversation so easily worries me but I don't press it.
I make my way to the island, sitting beside Macon. “I’m fine with whatever.” Macon lays a hand on my back and I lean into his touch. “So, we were going to talk.”
“Would you like to eat first?”
“Not really.”
He nods, turning my chair toward him so that I can meet his eyes. They’re full of concern and understanding, something I’m not used to. Macon truly wants to make this work within my comfort zone. I’m not sure how that’ll be possible when there’s things I haven’t told them. Like how I’ve dreamt of them for the past couple of nights. How I can’t seem to think of anyone else fucking the life out of me. Or how I’m carrying their fucking child.
“I can hear you thinking, Ellie. Take a deep breath for me. Good girl. Now, let’s get a few things out of the way. Am I wrong to say that there was something between us that night, something more than just fun?”
My nod is slow, my mind whirling between Macon calling me a ‘good girl’ and then speeding right past it. This Alpha seems to know what he’s doing though, messing with my emotions like that. “You’re not wrong,” I whisper.
“And that you would be open to continuing something with us?”
“Yes.” My agreement comes out breathy and needy, a small whine at the end. The sound catches Savin’s attention as he nears the island, his gaze boring into the side of my head. Heat pools in my belly and I recognize this as one of those flares Dr. Kelly mentioned. The only thought in my head is how much I need Macon right now, whether it be his cock or just sitting on his lap in the comfort of his arms.
“But you also want to keep this separate from your job, correct?”
I bite back a moan when Macon reaches forward, a thick hand caressing my waist. I’m not even sure he’s consciously touching me but my entire body responds, my lips parting. “Jobs. This one and—mmm—the club.” I don’t care if I’m about to play house with the Astors, fuck if they’re going to bar me from one of the jobs I enjoy.
“Of course, sweetheart. Anything else?” Macon’s grip tightens as he pulls me forward until I’m straddling his lap, my hands falling to his shoulders. I sink down, his cock thick against the crotch of my pants. It’s so tempting to roll my hips but then this moment will turn into something else. We’re drunk on each other’s scents and it has nothing to do with Savin’s heat.
“How does this work, then?”
The Alpha’s whiskey scent thickens, my tongue darting out to taste the sex-charged air. Savin’s perfume mingles with it, his arousal faint but noticeable. “Keep your day shifts, if that’s what you’d like, Ellie. I won’t take that from you but then stay for dinner. Get to know us.”
“I don’t want the publicity. How can this possibly work?”
Macon senses my discomfort as I sit back, Savin catching onto my line of thinking before his Alpha does. “Ellie, look at me.” I turn to look at those gorgeous eyes, the Omega smiling as if this is everything he wants. “There are no rules when it comes to dating. We date how we want. Let’s enjoy a little time on our own before we make it public. See how it works between the three of us.”
“And then I just… both of you-” I curse myself for not being able to get the words out but the pheromones are fucking suffocating me in here.
Savin giggles, “Yes. In whatever position, however, you like. Me, him, you between us. I don’t care.” He’s serious. They both are.
“Any more questions?” Macon asks again.
I shake my head and his purr rattles through his chest. “Good,” he growls out before crashing his lips to mine.
His hand on my waist explores upward before massaging my tit, thumb flicking over my piercing, the other tightly wound around the back of my neck. My fingers dig into his shoulders as I grind down on his lap, both of us needing more than the other is giving. Horror tries to wiggle its way into my thoughts—the idea that I’m using Macon for my pleasure in front of Savin—but I brush it away.
A gasp tears from my throat as his purr thickens, Macon moving his hand from my tit back down to my waist. Fingers dance along the waistband of my borrowed shorts and I pull back to watch them descend inside before pressing against my clit. Savin’s at my side in the next moment, Macon twisting me around so that I’m facing forward, my thighs spread wide over his.
Slowly, he spreads his legs, widening mine even further until I’m completely on display. Macon presses a kiss by my ear as his hand slips into the shorts again. “This alright, baby girl?” The shift in pet names has me shivering. Macon has fallen into that headspace from three weeks ago and I had no idea how much I missed it.