Page 60 of Love Him Like Water


I woke up confused and hurting, my mind fuzzy for a long moment until the memories started rushing back.

The anger at Renzo.

Going out.

Feeling crummy.

Hands grabbing me, pushing me, hitting me, searching me.

Then running home.

Renzo’s anger, then his softness, his gentleness.

My gaze slid to the side, seeing the stacks of cash still sitting on the dresser where Renzo had left them.

It was silly, but that kind of made me feel a little bit more than just an object in his bed. That he wanted to share his money with me. Like a real married couple.

Then after that, he’d climbed into bed with me and held me, fingers drifting over me. So sweet and gentle.

My heart thrummed at the memory as gossamer tendrils of hope spread across my chest. Fragile, but unmistakable.

I sat up in bed, letting out a little whimper as I used my hands, forgetting momentarily about the scratched palms.

Not a moment later, I heard footsteps on the stairs.

Longing had me imagining Renzo opening the door, and I was too lost in my own wants to realize the footsteps were too light to be him.

Until the door cracked open.

And there was, of all people, Cinna.

“Thought I heard you moving around,” she said, pushing the door open further, but not stepping in.

Reaching over, I flicked on the light, which made Cinna’s gorgeous face twist.

“Fuck,” she hissed.

“That bad, huh?” I asked, touching my fingertips to my throbbing cheek.

“That fucker,” she said, jaw tight as she shook her head. “Why were you alone?”

“What?” I asked, brows scrunching.

“Why wasn’t there a guard with you?”

“Should there have been?” I asked, confused. “Elian said I didn’t have to stay in the apartment.”

“Elian,” she repeated.


“Not Renzo.”

It wasn’t a question.

But I answered anyway.