Page 48 of Love Him Like Water

She’d been drunk off her fucking ass half the night, thanks to Dav’s heavy-handed pours and bottomless refills. They might not have been a problem with anyone else at the party, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Lore had never even been tipsy before, let alone drunk, as she started to stumble around on clumsy legs like a newborn foal.

She’d been cute as fuck, I had to admit.

Despite my desire not to be so fucking obvious, I found myself tracking her everywhere she went from the moment she’d come down the steps.

Meeting Dav, who had a knack for making all the women, even ones as shy as Lore, feel comfortable and easy. Then having some sort of tense conversation with Cinna, the content of which I wanted to know, but hadn’t asked.

Then off to the kitchen, taking food from Elian, eating it with a smile as she talked to him with a familiarity that had that strange, sloshing mix of jealousy and possessiveness moving through me.

When the fuck did she get so chummy-chummy with Elian?

But the answer came to me pretty fucking quickly.

Literally all day long.

She was there in that apartment all day with Elian in and out of it. Of course she felt more comfortable with him than anyone else.

Even me, I had to admit with a knot growing in my stomach as she talked to any and everyone around her. Except me.

Until, of course, everyone was gone, and she remembered just how much she likes my cock.

And, hey, I couldn’t begrudge her that.

Not with how much I was obsessed with her fucking pussy.

So much so that even just the memory of being inside of her while she rode me was giving me a fucking semi.

But from the sounds of this conversation, it seemed like I had at least another hour of dealing with this bullshit before I could go home.

I’d be dead on my feet and useless to her even if I did want to wake her up for a quickie.

It would just have to wait another day.

But another day turned into two.

Then three.

The neighborhood had been dealing with some changes lately. Old crews who knew how shit worked around here moving out, new crews moving in. All bravado and not a fucking lick of sense.

I’d needed to rough up more idiots this past week than I had in the past six months, my knuckles breaking open, healing, only to break open again.

Normally, I’d just let other men handle shit.

But when tensions were as high as they’d been feeling lately, it was important for the neighborhood to see me out there, to know I was handling business, that I wasn’t going to fucking tolerate their bullshit.

Most nights, I got home almost at dawn, going into the shower to wash the blood away, then crashing for three or four hours before getting up and starting all over again.

It never really occurred to me to think there was any reason for me to be around at home. Any matters that would need my attention there.

Until, of course, the day the call came in…



Fuck him.

I mean, I wasn’t someone who thought things like that, but, well, fuck him.