Page 39 of Guided By the Giant

Torus frowned.

“It’s hard to say, since I’ve never had a Soul Bond with anyone before. I think the communication might be lacking something—some depth maybe. But speaking as someone who has never been Bonded, it feels quite real to me.”

“Excellent!” Commander Sylvan looked pleased. “Those are prototypes, you know and they’re very valuable. Their circuits are made from Lovicium—a very rare element that’s extremely hard to acquire. So please be careful with them.”

“We will,” Torus assured him.

By this time, they had reached the Docking Bay. Torus’s ship was parked near the front—it was much bigger than the other Kindred shuttles in the large, open space.

“Have fun at your honeymoon destination,” Commander Sylvan told them. “We put you in a bungalow on the beach. Unfortunately, we don’t have any built to Jorgen Kindred size,” he added, speaking to Torus. “But this particular one was built with Twin Kindred in mind and there are high ceilings and a big bed, so you should feel comfortable.”

“Thank you—I appreciate you considering my size when you chose our accommodations’,” Torus said, nodding. “I’m sure Molly and I will be quite comfortable there.”

“Enjoy your stay,” Commander Sylvan said. “Go out and visit as many tourist destinations as possible—let the human Press see you together. And be sure to act as though you’re deeply in love every minute.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.” Torus put an arm around Molly’s shoulders and she leaned against his side instinctively. She couldn’t help thinking that she’d never been with any man who made her feel so completely safe and protected. It wasn’t just Torus’s size and strength, either—it was the feelings of caring and protectiveness she felt coming from him, like a warm current that was always on.

“Of course I want to protect you, sweetheart. Didn’t I just swear a vow to guard you with my life?” he sent.

Molly realized she’d been projecting her thoughts again. She really had to work on that!

“Don’t worry about it too much,” Torus sent through their link. “That thought was fainter, at least. I think you’re getting better at keeping your thoughts behind the wall. It’s just going to take a while since you seem to be a natural projector.”

“Thank you, but it’s still embarrassing,” Molly sent back.

“You never have to be embarrassed with me,” he murmured in her mind. “Just relax and be yourself, little bird.”

At that point Commander Sylvan was saying his final goodbyes so they both nodded and Torus held out his arm for a warrior’s clasp.

“Thank you for standing behind me in this,” he said to Commander Sylvan as they clasped arms. “I appreciate your support—for both myself and for Molly.”

“Of course!” Commander Sylvan said. “The Kindred of the Mother Ship will always support any female in need and any male who comes to her aid. Now go enjoy your ‘honeymoon.’ Councilor Paige will be in touch with you when you’re needed at the trial.”

They nodded and thanked him again and then Torus opened the passenger side door of his shuttle. Unfortunately, it was far too high for Molly to climb up into it.

“Wow,” she said, looking up. “It’s like trying to get into one of those lifted trucks!”

“Here…” Torus leaned down and placed his hands around her waist. “May I help you up?” he murmured in her ear.

Molly felt a little shiver go through her at having him so close again. She loved it when they were nearly on the same level!

“Yes, please,” she said. “Er, if you don’t mind. I’m not exactly light, I’m afraid.”

“What are you talking about?” Torus lifted her with no apparent effort and put her in the cockpit. “I could lift you all day.”

“Oh!” Molly felt rather breathless after being swooped up into the air.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome, beautiful.” Torus gave her a warm, sleepy smile that made Molly feel like melting. “Now let’s get you buckled in, all right?”

He reached across her and took the straps, deftly buckling the 5-point harness to hold her in place. He had to adjust everything considerably though, since the seat she was sitting in was meant for a nine-foot-tall warrior, not a human woman of average height. She felt like a little kid sitting in an adult’s chair, but then, since the entire Kindred Mother Ship was built for huge alien warriors, she was kind of used to it.

Torus came around the pilot’s side and got himself strapped in as well.

“All right,” he said, turning to Molly. “Are you ready for our ‘honeymoon?’”

She nodded.