“Why? You don’t even like me. You wouldn’t tap me with a ten-foot pole if I was the last woman on earth.”
“You heard that?” Evan asked.
“I did.” She had just turned nineteen a few weeks before, and her brother, who loved to barbecue, had thrown a one for his friends and she had accidentally heard them say that about her when one of her brother’s other friends asked if they would sleep with her.
“Would you rather have had us tell him the truth?” Evan said.
“The truth?” she asked softly.
“Yes. How we wanted nothing more in the world than to ravish your body with all the gluttony in our souls. How we wanted to fuck you in every way possible. Slow and soft and filthy and depraved.” She shuddered at Marc’s words.
“How we wanted to come inside you, in your mouth, on your skin until our cum seeps into your blood and tattoos our name on your heart,” Jake added.
“How we wanted to breed you, Michelle, until your stomach swelled with our child and we could taste the milk from your breasts,” Evan said.
“But you were Frank’s sister, and we respected that code. But you wouldn’t leave us alone. You could fucking breathe on the other side of the world, and we would still ache for you,” Marc said.
“Now come here and be our wife for the rest of our lives.”
She must have imagined everything, but she needed to know so she slowly walked up to them, and reached out a hand to their faces.
She had told herself a million times that she didn’t find them attractive. But she had only been protecting her heart. They were ridiculously good-looking, strong, virile, and real. So real that she could feel their thunderous heartbeats as her own because they matched beat for beat.
“You love me,” she whispered and in answer, they crushed her to them, taking turns with her mouth, sucking on her lips and stealing her breath. She had never been kissed this way before and the tumultuous sensations only made her wetter.
Marc took possession of her mouth just the way she had secretly dreamed he would. He showed her who was in charge from the very first touch when his tongue swept into her mouth and branded her with his taste.
He kissed her until she wanted to fall to her knees in supplication, but he also took from her and she relished the deep harsh growls he made in his chest when he brought her so close, she could feel his throbbing cock against her.
He handed her over to Jake next and she expected nothing less. He nurtured her, fed her his tongue to suck on, and held her patiently while she explored his mouth curiously.
By the time Evan got to her, her lips were swollen, and she was addicted to their taste and needed their kisses except he teased her mercilessly until she was a hot mess in his arms and then he chuckled and carried her to the bed in the magnificent penthouse suite.
They peeled off her clothes and kissed every inch of her body, turning her around this way and that way so they covered every expanse of skin, from her eyelids to her nipples and down to her toes.
The heat between her thighs was killing her. She needed them inside her. Now. Afraid they would disappear if she waited any longer. But every last thought of hers vanished into thin air when they parted her legs and brought their mouths to her pussy.
Dear god. Her head lifted off the bed and she squirmed to try to get away—the sensations too intense for her while it stoked a need inside her that was so fierce it scared her.
They took turns to kiss her folds and suck on her clit and they each made her come in their mouths, holding her down so she couldn’t escape their brazen touches.
“Please,” she cried. “Now. Please, don’t make me wait.”
Marc lifted himself up over her body until he towered over her.
“Do you understand what making you our wife means, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Please. Anything and everything.”
Marc chuckled. “It means we get to take your virginity at the same time. We’re talking about the virginity in your mouth, your pussy, and your ass, Michelle, but when we come, we’re going come inside your pussy and your ass, the three of us joined inside your body, separated only by that thin tissue sheath of yours. That’s how we claim you, sweetheart, when we bathe you in our cum. Do you understand now? Do you understand that it’s going to hurt your first time?”
“Yes, I do. Please, do it now. I’m going to go mad if you don’t.”
“There’ll also be nothing to separate us. Our cocks will be naked inside you.”
She raised her hips and then sank back in fear at the size of Marc’s cock. How was she going to take all three of them?
“You were made for us. Your body will accept our cocks.”