“Life is just a lot right now.”
“Oh, honey. I’m sure everything is going to be okay.”
“I wish I had your faith, Natalie.”
“Listen, why don’t you come over tonight. Get away from your hotel room for a while and just let loose. I’ll get a sitter to take Addie out, and I’ve just restocked my ice cream and wine, so we will be all set with provisions. We can just laugh, or cry, or yell….whatever you need.”
“That actually sounds really nice.”
“Good. Okay. I’ll see you in an hour. Wear comfy clothes and be ready to spill everything!”
Rolling out from under the covers, Emma stepped out of her wrinkled pajamas, opting for yoga pants and a fitted shirt. Wiping her face, she knocked on the adjoining room door.
“What’s going on?” Gage asked. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to go to Natalie’s tonight. She’s forcing me to hang out with her.”
“I’m going too.”
“Gage, that’s not necessary. I appreciate that you are watching out for me but I’m okay. Natalie has a security system at her place. We’ll be fine.”
Gage just stared at her.
“Besides, you have the meeting tonight with Agent Wilson and I want everyone there to convince Seb I can pull my own weight and should be included.”
He was still staring at her. “Cap won’t like that. He’s been very clear that I’m meant to bring you back to his apartment while we had the meeting so that we all could attend, and still know you are safe.”
“I will honestly be fine at Natalie’s. She has that security system that you guys installed for her. I know for a fact it’s the same one Seb has at his place, where you were all going to leave me anyways. If you need to, you can follow me over there and check things out, but then you’ll have to leave. It’s a girl hang out. Not a girls and Gage hangout.” She smiled, hoping to persuade him to do as she asked.
“Okay. But I’m checking everything out when we get there. And I’ll stay outside for as long as I can before the meeting. I just want to make sure nothing happens to you, but also that Natalie and Addie are safe, too.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Emma sighed. “Thanks, Gage. Can we leave in forty minutes?”
“Sounds good to me. Oh, and Em?” he stopped closing the door. “I’m going to call Cap now and let him know what you’re doing tonight.”
“Yeah, I figured you would. Just try and get him aligned with this plan, okay?”
Gage laughed. “Sure thing, Em. I’ll try my hardest.”
“Who’s got your attention over there? That hubby of yours finally coming home?”
Natalie bit her lip before smiling at Emma. “Sorry I’m a bit distracted. Addie’s sitter isn’t going to be able to make it tonight. Stomach bug or food poisoning. Either way, it’s not pretty. I know we we’re supposed to have grown up girl time?—”
“Nat, I love Addie. She doesn’t need to go anywhere. I can keep things PG in front of her.”
“But you need to vent, and I have a big bottle of wine for us to finish before sleepover time.” Nat looked around her living room. “Bingo! I’ll have her watch a movie on her tablet. She can wear her headphones.”
“See, a perfect solution. And I’m glad I’ll get some more time with the both of you.”
“Addie! Come here, baby,” Nat called out towards Addie’s bedroom.
The precocious little girl bounced down the hall and into the living room.
“Em! Want to see my dance routine? I’ve been practicing every day trying to get ready for my recital!”
“I would love to, sweet pea. I bet you are going to be the best dancer up there. I can’t wait to watch you this weekend.”