Page 78 of Sebastian

Sebastian’s hard features melted at the mention of her baby, and it made Emma want to run into his arms and never let go. Instead, she stopped pacing and watched as he walked towards her, his hands gently sliding onto her face.

“It’s not on you to make it right,” he whispered as his gray eyes pierced into her soul.

“Then who is it on, Sebastian? He’s here for me. Me. I’m the person who is responsible for him being here. So let me do my part to stop him.”

“What would Daisy say right now if you told her what you were wanting to do? Would she be all for it?”

“She loves me, Seb. Her response would be tainted by that love. Just how yours is because you like me.”

“You think this is just me liking you, Emma? No, I like my team mates. I like Jackson and Grace. I like Hank and Daisy. What I feel for you is nothing like that.”

“I don’t?—”

He moved until his hands were resting on her hips, pulling her into his chest.

“You’re not ready to hear it, but you know deep down why I don’t want you to do this.”

“You can’t. It’s too soon.”

“Tell my heart that.”

“Sebastian, talk to the team. Figure out where the holes are in their plan, and get on board with me helping. Because I am. And I don’t want to walk into that without knowing you’re one of the people who will have my back when Marco finally shows up.” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“I will listen to them. I will give them a chance. But if I don’t like it, Em, you’re not doing it. Promise me.”

“I promise that I will listen to your concerns. Now, go back and tell Agent Wilson I’m fully on board with whatever he needs. Gage can set up the meeting for me to meet with the forensic artist. I’m going to head back to my hotel, crawl under the covers, and not come out until the sun crawls back up into the sky.”

“You’ll take Gage and Hawk back to the hotel with you.”

“Yes, sir.” Emma winked with her reply, knowing that what was heading for her was going to change her life forever, one way or another.


“I need you to open up your door.” Even through the phone, Emma could tell Daisy had her serious voice on, and she felt a smile twitch at the corner of her mouth.

“Daisy, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but you should be at home, resting.”

“Oh god, Emma. Don’t you start, too. Hank’s overprotective enough, I won’t survive if you start with that nonsense now.” A knock sounded at her door.

“Does he know you’re here?”

“Of course he does. He’s standing right next to me.”

Emma laughed. “Good. But if I let you in, he has to stay out in the hall.”

“No shit, Em. Now let me in.”

“Fine.” Emma unlocked the hotel door and opened it wide, taking in Daisy and Hank standing in the hallway, both looking at her with concern in their eyes.

“Oh good, you are actually alive.” Daisy’s snark almost made Emma smile. “Thanks for making me drag my enormous body down here to verify that with my own eyes, instead of responding to one of the hundred or so messages I’ve sent you since my shower.”

“This pregnancy is making you really sassy. You’ve definitely got a little girl in there.” Daisy rolled her eyes as Emma rubbed her bump. “And it seems like she’s going to take after her Auntie Em.”

“I couldn’t think of a better person for her to take after.” Daisy kissed Hank before shooing him away from the door. She walked into Emma’s room, threw her purse into the chair, and sat down on the bed with a sigh, kicking her shoes off before swinging her legs up and settling down under the blanket. “Now get over here under the covers with me and spill. Why are you blotchy faced and not answering my texts or calls?”

Emma turned back to Hank. “Gage is right next door if you want to go in there and have someone to talk to. The poor guy is basically stuck attached to me until Marco is caught. I think it’ll be a while before this one is done berating me.”

Hank laughed. “Yeah, good luck with her. She’s pretty worked up. And thanks, but I plan to sit right out here and stare at your door until you two are done.”