Page 72 of Sebastian

“Thank you, Sebastian.”

“What time do you plan on heading downstairs to work on Daisy’s baby shower things?”

“I don’t know. I was thinking in a couple of hours. I don’t want to be up super late, but I also don’t want to get out of bed.”

“I think that sounds like a good plan. We can stay here in bed and watch a movie if you want.”

“That sounds perfect.” She laid her head down on Sebastian’s chest and before they’d even agreed on what movie to watch, Emma had let the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing lull her to sleep.


“I need to get the cake frosted and all the little decorations I’ve made need to go on, but this kitchen isn’t laid out like mine was and I’m going to lose my mind! I still need to bake another batch of strawberry vanilla cupcakes, they need to cool and then I’ll need to decorate them. I’m going to be here all night Seb, there’s no reason you should have to be. So go?—”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He pulled her into his arms and felt the tension relax from her muscles.

“I’m covered in sugar and flour and God knows what else. You’re going to get your fancy clothes all dirty.”

“Like I give a shit. Holding on to you is worth having my entire wardrobe covered in batter.” He breathed in her scent, gently landing a kiss in her hair. “Do I need to remind you of the theme today? You don’t always have to be so strong. You can lean on me.”

“This is who I am, Seb. That girl you saw in Colorado, the one who cried upstairs in her hotel room earlier, that’s not me. I don’t like being weak. I don’t like being wrapped up in my emotions. It’s just better to push everything down and stay strong. That, I’m good at. That, I can do.”

“Sprinkles, look at me.” He waited for her eyes to meet his. “The strongest I’ve ever seen you was when you were crying under the moon, telling me about everything you went through. Telling me about your daughter. That was brave. That was strong. Sharing your emotions with someone is the scariest, and bravest, thing you can do. I don’t want you to push it down. That’s not healthy. I want you to talk to me.”

“I need to get back to work. If I want to get any sleep before Daisy’s shower, and I do because this day has emotionally wiped me out, then those cupcakes need to get in the oven, and I need to start on the frosting.” Emma pushed away from his chest. “You should go. Natalie is stopping by in a little bit to help anyways.”

“Listen, I can either sit here all night watching your beautiful backside zip all around the kitchen, or you can put me to work and we can get you out of here and into bed maybe a little earlier than you were planning.”

Emma eyed him up and down. “Well, I do know now that the billionaire bakes, and that he can make something really yummy.”

“No,” he laughed. “This billionaire thinks the actual baker could show him a thing or two, and he might be a worthy apprentice.”

Emma walked over to him and gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you for wanting to stay.”

“Always.” He placed his hands on her hips and held on, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Mmm, you already taste so fucking good, Emma. How am I going to survive watching you taste everything tonight.”

“If you behave, maybe I’ll make a little extra and we can take it upstairs with us,” she winked as she pushed away from his chest. “But only if you behave between now and then.”

“This is going to be pure torture,” he groaned.

“I’m here!” a flustered Natalie walked into the hotel’s kitchen an hour later, just as Emma was pulling the cupcakes from the oven. “Wow. This place is amazing. We’ll knock out whatever you need to get done in no time.”

“Natalie, it was nice of you to volunteer to help Emma.” Sebastian’s voice must have caught Natalie off guard, because the way her eyes went wide made Emma laugh.

“Mr. Montgomery. I didn’t realize you were here also.”

“It’s all hands on deck to make sure Daisy gets her sunflower cupcakes for tomorrow.”

“Hi, Mr. Montgomery!” Addie peaked out from behind her mom. “Hi, Emma!”

“Hey munchkin, we thought you were too cool to hang with us today.” Sebastian held out his hand and Addie slapped a vigorous high-five into it.

“Her babysitter flaked on me last minute.”

“I thought your husband was going to spend some time with her,” Emma said.

“Yeah, he was supposed to. Unfortunately another case came up and he had to fly out this afternoon. So, like I said, her babysitter flaked on me.”

“That stinks, I’m sorry Nat.”