Page 67 of Sebastian

“Just because I gave up on being a SEAL doesn’t mean my team gave up on me. They saved my ass more than a time or two on missions, and they saved my life when I didn’t want to keep living.”

“I’m so sorry, Gage. Sebastian should not have told me to come ask you for this. It’s too much after what you’ve lost.”

“It’s the worst thing in the world to lose your family. To lose your child.”

“I know it is,” she whispered.

His eyes widened at her admission. “How do you know, Emma?”

“I had a daughter.” Gage’s face was so still, Emma couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

“Was Marco her…I mean, did he?”


He took her shaking hands in his. “Tell me about her.”

“I don’t know anything about her, Gage. I was nineteen, she was born, and I didn’t even get to see her. The nurses kept her from me because he told them to. I don’t even know what ever happened to her, just that he came into my hospital room the day after she was born, sat down, and told me she was with a new mom. Someone who was worthy of her. I wanted to call her Luna, but he didn’t give her the name I picked out. I literally know nothing. Not the color of her eyes, or her hair. Not if she had chubby rosy cheeks or chunky little legs. I don’t know her name, or where she lives, or if she’s ever known how much I wanted her. How much I still love her.” Emma pulled her hands away from him and pressed a fist into her chest, trying to loosen the pain that was making it hard to breathe. “I can’t…I…” her emotions choked the words that were trying to come out and she gasped for breath.

Warm arms wrapped around her. “Shhh, Em. I’ve got you. I’m so sorry that happened, but I promise you, I’m going to find her. And when I do, you can tell her just how much you loved her before she was born, and how you never stopped, even after all these years. Melody and Mikey might only live in my memories, but there’s still hope for you and Luna.”

“What if he sold her, Gage? We’ll never be able to find her.”

“Do you think he would do that? Do you think his family would let him? She’s his flesh and blood.”

“I don’t know anymore. I didn’t know they were involved in selling women and children, but ever since you said it that day, I’ve had the worst feeling in my heart. If he did, we’d never be able to find her.”

“Let’s just take things one step at a time. When he’s captured, we’ll question him. And not just us, but he’s wanted by the FBI. This Marco thing goes so much deeper than just what he is doing to you. Although, between you and me, I want to see him die just for that.”

“If he dies, I want it to be at my hands.”

Maybe it was all the time she’d spent lately thinking about what Marco had done to their daughter, but she couldn’t help it. All that rage at not knowing, the fear eating away at her heart, she wanted him to suffer at her hand as much as she had suffered at his. It felt like sticky, black tar had coated her heart and she wouldn’t be able to wash it away until she knew he was gone from the world.

“No, Em. No, you don’t. There’s a beautiful light inside of you that would be extinguished if you ever did, and I can’t let that happen. But I promise, if he comes to hurt you again, Cap or myself, hell, any of the guys, would gladly take that shot for you.”

* * *

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Emma’s heart shot into her throat at the sight of the three men sitting like statues, their faces hard and emotionless as Sebastian talked on the phone. It wasn’t fair to disappear from the guys again, but after everything that happened that day, and telling Gage about her daughter, she just needed to be by herself for a while. Sitting on the porch reading for a few hours had been the perfect escape, but when she realized she couldn’t feel her toes, she came inside to warm up. Emma hadn’t expected to see such somber faces in Sebastian’s office as she tried to return her book.

Nash waved Emma into the room and moved closer to the edge of the sofa so she had a spot to sit. Her eyes darted from Nash to Gage, and then to Seb, who had yet to realize she was there.

Warm, rough hands settled over hers, stopping her nervous fidgeting.

“It’ll be okay,” Gage whispered. “Jesus, Em, you’re freezing. Here,” Gage let go of her hand, pulling his sweater over his head before he pulled it onto her body.

“There should be a clear shot of it from the cameras at Montgomery Equities, Hank. I will instruct Natalie to forward your deputies the files. I want to know the minute you have more information.” There were a few more words exchanged when suddenly Sebastian slammed his phone down onto the coffee table. “Fuck!”

She jumped. She’d never seen him this upset before.

“What happened? You guys are freaking me out.”

Sebastian ran his hands through his hair, and her mouth ran dry as she thought about her fingers pulling at his roots earlier that day. Shaking the image from her brain, Emma forced herself to stay focused. The energy in the room was suffocating, and she knew it had something to do with Marco.

“I know something bad happened, so please, just say it before I think the worst.”

“First, take off that sweatshirt,” he growled. His eyes flared as she just stared at him. The way his body stalked towards her had her breath caught in her chest. “The only man’s clothes you wear are mine, Sprinkles. Got it?”

“Yes.” He lifted the bottom up and over her in one swift motion. Fuck, that was so hot. If Nash and Gage weren’t in the room, she would have melted into a puddle. Emma couldn’t help but laugh as Seb tossed Gage’s sweatshirt back into his face, and before she could think how sad the loss of heat was, Sebastian’s own sweatshirt was off his body and onto hers. “Thanks,” she mumbled, sinking into the warmth that lingered.