He looked over the pictures. She was radiant. After everything that had happened, Emma looked happy, carefree. For a moment, he almost forgot about the danger. He almost forgot that there was a man out there trying to take Emma away. Just like how his friends had been taken from him.
“Don’t you like them?” Emma’s small voice broke through his thoughts.
“I love them, Em. Look how beautiful you are.”
“Whatever has you upset, you can talk to me, Seb. I don’t know much about being in the military, but I do know how to listen.”
“It’s okay. I was just thinking too hard. Here, this one’s for you. The other is going right into my wallet.”
She took the strip of paper from his hand and looked at it for a moment, before smiling as she held it over her heart. Sebastian couldn’t help it, he had to kiss her. And that’s exactly what he did.
They continued their stroll towards the diner, and Sebastian enjoyed how crisp and clean the air was, even down in the little town. It swept away the last little moments of his flashback that had been lingering.
“Here we are,” he said as he held open the door for her.
“Such a gentleman, Suits.” Emma playfully batted her lashes at him, making Seb laugh.
“My mom will be glad to hear you think so. She drilled southern manners into me from the time I was old enough to walk.”
Once inside, Sebastian placed his hand gently on the small of her back, guiding her to his favorite booth.
“Shouldn’t we wait for the hostess?”
“Nah,” he waved to his old buddy behind the bar, “I know the owners.”
When they made it to the booth, Sebastian slid in next to Emma instead of across from her.
“Oh,” she looked shocked. “You’re going to sit next to me?”
“Of course I am. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about us.”
“Why would they get the wrong idea if you were sitting across from me?”
“This isn’t a business meeting, Sprinkles. I’m taking my girl out for a romantic lunch.”
He loved watching her skin flush as she listened to him speak.
“Your girl. Hmm. And do I have any say in this?”
“You do. So, are you going to demand I sit across from you like a business partner, or are you going to grant me permission to sit close to you while we enjoy our meal together?”
He felt her hand squeeze his thigh. “Oh, you’re not going anywhere.” She raised her eyebrow and licked her lips.
“Em, if you do that again, I’ll have to have you for lunch.”
“Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
“Mr. Montgomery,” his usual server made her way towards their table. He’d gotten to know her well over the last few years, her story spurring him to take a more philanthropic role in the tiny community there in Colorado, too. “It’s so nice to see you back in town.”
“Hi, Ellie.”
“What can I get for you and your lovely guest today?”
“My girlfriend hasn’t had a chance to look over the menu, so could you bring us two ice waters and then give us a few minutes?”
“Sure thing, Mr. Montgomery. I’ll be right back with those drinks.”
He felt Emma’s eyes on him.